Ali's Parents Killed by Drunk Drivers
While out for the night, Ali's parents were hit by a car with two drunk boys inside. His parents died leaving Ali alone, "as for the orphan, my grandfather adopted him into his own household." This is the earliest connection that Amir's and Hassan's family share. Not only were Amir and Hassan raised together, but so were Baba and Ali. -
Amir Competes in the Town Kite Fighting Battle
Not only did Amir compete in the town kite fighting competition, but he won. "You won, Amir agha! You won!" (Hosseini 66), were Hassan's words to Amir once he beat the final kite, but Amir looks to him and tells him that they won. Amir and Hassan feed off the energy of each other and Hassan prepares to run the kite. He tells Amir that he would do it for him a thousand times over. -
Amir Stands By as Hassan Is Raped
Amir watches from the alley as Assef rapes Hassan. Amir debates whether or not to intervene , but instead he "ran back to the all but deserted Bazaar" (Hosseini 77) and hid. Amir believes Hassan to be the sacrifice he has to make to get closer to Baba. He believes this to justify just standing by and doing nothing while his life long friend is being sexually assaulted. -
Amir's 13th Birthday
Amir celebrates his first year as a teenager with a rager thrown by Baba. Throughout the night, the one thing Amir hears on repeat is "Happy Birthday" (Hosseini 95), of course. These are crucial years in as males advance to men. That makes this quite the time of celebration. -
Amir Plants Money and Watch Under Hassan's Matress
Amir pulls the final straw. He "lifted Hassan's mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it" (Hosseini 104), pointing blame towards Hassan. This is Amir's final attempt at getting Hassan fired, as Amir battles for Baba's attention. Amir, unfortunately succeeds in getting Hassan fired. -
Hassan and Ali Leave because of the Money and Watch Found Under Hassan's Matress
Ali believed life there to be impossible for them becuase of the struggles that Amir posed for Hassan and he decided "we're leaving" (Hosseini 106). Even though they are forgiven, Amir poses a threat to Hassan. Ali is aware of all the actions that Amir has committed towards Hassan and wishes for there to be no more of that. -
Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan
Knowing the Soviets, just being in charge of one territory isn't enough. The Soviets, or the Soviet Union, was in capable of keeping to themselves. With the little stability that Afghanistan was maintaining, the Soviet Union came in and caused there to be "little known peace since 1979" (The New York Times). Not only did the Soviet Union disturb the peace, but "the turmoil and extremism that have dominated its history" (The New York Times), can be traced to when the Soviets entered Afghanistan. -
First Soviet Troops Parachuted Into Kabul
On December 27, just two days after the first set of Soviet Forces entered Afghanistan, the first Soviet troop parachuted into Kabul. Moscow insisted that the troops came in response to help legitimize the government, but the troops had really entered in an attempt "to assist Babrak Karmal" (The New York Times) in other manners, non political of course. -
Amir Graduates Highschool
"That summer of 1983, I graduated from high school at the age of 20" (Hosseini 131), and little did Amir know that this would be the beginning of his career and the rest of his life. With his degree, Amir can successfully go on to be an author. He can also make a better life for his kids by being educated. -
Amir and Baba Begin Selling At the Flea Market
"On Sundays, we buy out garage sales and load up the van, reselling the things at the flea market (Hosseini 148), and they do this to make a small profit to sustain life. It is an easy yet tedious form of profit. Being as committed as they are, they go out every weekend. -
Amir and Baba Meet General Taheri and Soraya
Amir walks up to Baba as he is engaged in conversation with a man that Amir recognizes to be general Taheri and the first hing Amir blurts out is a correction of his educational past when he says "Junior college" ( Hosseini 139), which apparently made some differnece. Amir doesn't relaize this, but by running into Taheri and Soraya at the Flea Market, he has just met his wife and father in law. He has just met the people that woukd be his future. -
Soraya and Amir Get Married
Soraya and Amir get married merely a month after engagement due to Baba's health concerns, and per Baba's request, they share "a quick kiss" (Hosseini 172) for Baba's eyes only.They aren't allowed to go along with standard Pasthtun ways because they have to cut it short. Usually the process takes three months. -
Baba Passes Away From Cancer
Baba's last night is shared with Soraya and Amir, and he doesn't take his medicine on the last night teling them "not tonight. There is no pain tonight" (Hosseini 173), but unfortunately Baba had passed away that night. Baba had died of lung cancer. Many were there to mourn his life. -
Last of Soviet Troops Leave Afghanistan
The Soviets were forced out of Afghanistan by pleas of the UN, leaving behind a trail of destruction. With all the destruction the Soviets caused, "they left behind a country that was not only devastated by the war but that had become a beacon to Islamic extremists" (The New York Times), leaving Afghanistan susceptible to any outside attacks. -
Taliban Comes Into Power In Afghanistan After Destruction of Soviets
With the help of the government and the destruction left behind by the Soviets, the Taliban swooped into power with little initial resistance from the people. The Taliban had such success because "Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money, and supplies" (The New York Times) to the Taliban. -
bin Laden Arrives By Chartered Jet At Jalalabad Airport
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban had such control of the Middle East that even as a war criminal, bin Laden simply slipped in and out of different countries. The Taliban protected bin Laden and "provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden" (The New York Times), protecting him from trouble. -
Airplanes Crash Into World Trade Center and Pentagon
On September 11, 2001, a series of hijacked planes crashed into two major US buildings, the pentagon and the world trade center, while a third site was attempted and overthrown. The man behind this horrific event was Osama bin Laden, one of the heads of Al Qaeda, and after 9/11, "President Bill Clinton gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden" (The New York Times). -
Amir Receives Call From Rahim Khan
Amir is first introduced in the book as an adult, the first conversation being between him and Rahim Khan, letting Amir know that "there is a way to be good again" (Hosseini 2). At this point in the novel, we don't yet know what this means, but this foreshadows the chance for Amir to take on Sohrab. Amir takes on Sohrab as a way to atone for his sins against Hassan. -
Hamid Karzai Is Named Chairman of Interim Government
"In December 2001, Hamid Karzai, a supporter and relative of Mohommad Zahir Shah, the exiled former king of Afghanistan, was named chairman of interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country" (The New York Times) and putting him as the first figure of power after the Taliban. -
Taliban Is Removed From Power
The Taliban was taken out of control of Afghanistan and replaced with a political power, Hamid Karzai. "Despite their defeat in 2001, the Taliban continued to wage guerilla warfare" (The New York Times), which means that even though they were out of power, they still fought for a foothold in the power structure of Afghanistan. -
Hamid Karzai Took Office as Interim President
"He took office as interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid" (The New York Times) putting him in the highest position of power in the Afghani government right after the Taliban was in power. -
It Is New Years Eve and Amir and Sohrab Compete in a Kite Fighting Competition
Just as Amir had heard from Hassan, Amir tells Sohrab that "for you, I'd run it a thousand times over" (Hosseini 371), meaning that he'd run that kite forever just to show his love and affection toe Sohrab. Amir is attempting to atone for his wrong doings to Hassan through Sohrab. He is trying to make up for his sins by doing the things he should've done for Hassan, for Sohrab. -
Sohrab Smiles for the First Time
With Sohrabs sad life story, feeling the emotion of happiness is difficult, but he manages to find and appreciate a happy moment and smile, "it was only a smile, nothing more" (Hosseini 371). With his tragic past and no parents, Sohrab is mist likely emotionally scarred. Being able to smile is a large milestone in his life. -
General Petraeus Had Taken Charge of US Central Command
"General Petraeus, the Iraq commander who received much of the credit for the success of the surge there, had taken charge of the US Central Command in October 2008, with responsibility for military operations in Iraq" (The New York Times) which put the military power of a country neighboring Afghanistan in charge of our military.