Hassan is Raped by Assef
After flying the kite for Amir, Hassan gets attacked and raped by Assef. Amir "could hear Assef's quick, rhythmic gruntss from around the corner... In the end [he] ran because [he] was a coward." (77) Because of this event, Amir will now hold himself accountable for the rest of his life, which impacts how he lives his life. He searches for atonement. This impacts the plot of the entire novel, because this event starts a chain of events that wouldn't have occurred if Amir had saved Hassan -
Amir Wins Kite Contest
On a Winter day, Hassan's "rubber boots were kicking up snow. He stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth. "For you a thousand times over." he said." (68) This illustrates the loyalty Hassan posses for Amir. He ran the kite as a sign of congratulations. His quotation reveals that he would do anything for Hassan, further revealing the loyalty Hassan has for Amir. This is something that has a deeper meaning and comes back around later in the novel. -
Amir Throws Pomegranates at Hassan
When on the pomegranate hill together, Amir begins to hurl pomegranates at Hassan, and craves the punishment he deserves. Amir is throwing pomegranates at Hassan and "juice splattered on his face. "Hit me back!" I snapped." (92) Amir wants Hassan to hit him back as a way to receive punishment and satisfaction to rid him of the guilt of not helping Hassan when he was being attacked. Hassan doesn't hit Amir back out of loyalty, which fills Amir with even more guilt. -
Hassan and Ali Leave
When Ali and Hassan suddenly quit, Baba is broken hearted. He continuously questions Ali and he explains that "life here is impossible for us now Agha Sabib. We're leaving." Baba was so heart broken because Hassan was his son, and Baba didn't know what had gone wrong. This is another event that makes Amir feel even more guilty for his sins, which is another thing Amir will have to carry with him for the rest of his life, hurting Hassan but also Baba for "stealing" away Hassan and Ali -
Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan
In 1979, Afghanistan was a peaceful country until the invasion of the soviet union occurred when "the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on December 27, 1979, to assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in the coup within the Afghan
Communist leadership." -
Amir and Baba Arrive in America
After leaving Kabul, "Baba loved the idea of America. It was living in America that gave him an ulcer." (125) This quotation illustrates that America was Baba's first choice. But, the consequences that came with the move were major. He was no longer high in socio economic status, he did not have his community around him, and his health and job status was declining and low. This further reveals the hardships Baba had to go through during the transition from Kabul to America. -
Amir and Baba Leave Kabul
Because the Soviet Union invaded Kabul, "[they] had to leave Kabul at two in the morning." (110) After Hassan and Ali left Kabul, what felt like home was no longer home to Amir and Baba. Years later when the Soviets invaded, it was almost a relief to leave the place where there had been so much sin surrounding the two. But the escape did take a toll on Amir and Baba, and this quotation reveals the beginnings of their struggles. -
Amir Graduates, Decides to Major English in College
After graduating Baba was thrilled. "He smiled and leaned back against the headrest. "I wish Hassan had been with us today'" (133)
This evidence illustrates that even with a move across the world, Baba will never forget the sin of stealing knowledge away from Amir and having an illegitamate child that left him. This is something he will carry with him the rest of his life to his grave and this is just another insight into one of those moments. -
Amir and Soraya Marry
Amir fell for Soraya at a flea market where they first met. At their wedding, "[Amir] remembered wondering if Hassan had ever gotten married." (171) This evidence shows that during his own wedding, Amir was still thinking of Hassan and how he was since he left Amir and Baba. The guilt is still fresh in his mind and the unknown is what is killing Amir inside -
Baba Passes Away
Baba was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. One night, Baba wanted love, not his medicine. When offered his medicine he responded with, "not tonight. There will be no pain tonight." He never woke up." (173) This illustrates that Baba was ready to die. Though he still never fully atoned for himself, he finally became at peace and died a quiet death in his sleep. -
Soviet Union Leave Afghanistan
The soviet union stayed in Afghanistan for many years and "stayed in the country for more than nine years, fighting a conflict tat cost them roughly 15,000 lives and undisclosed billions of rubles." -
Afghanistan Divides
After the Soviet Union invaded, "by the Summer of 1994, power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual feifdoms." -
Pakistani Officers Become Developed
"As early as 1994, Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money, and supplies to Mullah Omar's men, as well as military advisers to help guide them in battle. -
Taliban Takes Control of Afghanistan
With the help of Pakistan, "the Taliban by 1996 had taking control of Afghanistan." -
Rahim Khan and Amir Reunite
After they had said their hellos, Amir questions how "did [Rahim Khan] find [Amir]?" (197) This small quotation shows a snapshot of the reunification of Amir and his long time father figure and friend. Rahim Khan and Amir talk in a manner much the same before they were separated. But in the back of his head, Amir is still wondering about how he can be good again, the purpose of the entire visit. This evidence illustrates that there was more to the visit, atonement. -
Amir Finds he is Related to Hassan
After finding out that Hassan was Amir's half brother, Amir is full of anger and takes it out on Rahim Khan when he calls him "bastards, you goddamn bastards." he screamed. "All of you, a bunch of lying goddamn bastards!'" (222) This evidence illustrates the guilt Amir felt after learning that his best child hood friend that he hurt so badly was actually his brother. This further reveals the grief that this information caused Amir, filling him with anger and wanting to atone for his sins. -
Amir Finds Sohrab
When Amir finds Sohrab and discovers that he is being held captive by Assef, he is filled with anger and wants to have Sohrab. After asking Assef, he "shoved Sohrab in the back, pushed him into the table." (285) This evidence reveals that Amir sees how much Sohrab is being tortured and has to now rescue him. The shock of Assef is still hitting him causing the overwhelming feeling of emotions. -
Amir and Sohrab Escape
After fighting with Assef, Amir and Sohrab have to figure a way to escape. Sohrab strikes Assef with a slingshot and then "Sohrab pulled [Amir's] hand. 'Let's go!'" (291) This reveals that Sohrab and Amir were able to escape. After not even one interaction, Sohrab shows kindness towards Amir by helping him when he was hurt to escape the cruel hands of Assef. -
Sohrab Attempts Suicide
Amir was going to deliver the good news that Sohrab could cross the border and go to America. But he was stopped when he "went into the bathroom. [He] was on his knees screaming... [he] was still screaming when the ambulance arrived." (343) This quotation vividly illustrates the suicide attempt that Sohrab committed, as a result of the thought of possibly going back to an orphanage. Throughout the novel, the mind is so powerful and this is another example of the impact of knowledge. -
New Leader of Afghanistan
A new leader is crowned, "was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him leader of the country -
Attack of World Trade Center Occurs
9/11 terrorists attack occurs and sends the United States into a panic. -
Officially Elected into Office
"He took office as interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan." -
Amir and Sohrab Fly Kites
After flying kites together, Amir offers "to fly that kite for [Sohrab]. He nodded. 'For you, a thousand times over.'" (371) This evidence reveals a resolution to a very heavy plot. Sohrab was able to come to America and smiled for this first time, resulting in a very optimistic view point for Amir which brought the novel to a satisfying close. -
Re election
In 2004, he was re elected president for another five year term -
Iraq Commander Takes Charge of United States Army
"General Petraeus, the Iraq commander who received much of the credit for the success of the surge there, had taken charge of the United States Central Command."