Assef abused Hassan.
This event was a major event in the novel, The Kie Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. Amir had saw this event and either had 2 choices, "to stand up for Hassan...or I could run"(77), but, "In the end I ran."(77). This is a significant event because it has one of the biggest impacts on the plot. For this event signifies the turn of events for Amir because everything starting with this just kept on getting worse. -
Amir wins the Kite Runner Tournament
In the winter of 1975, Amir wins his first ever kite battle tournament. This was Amir's last joyous moment until a long time for he and Hassan were, "hopping up and down, both of us laughing, both of us weeping."(66). This is an important moment because it leaves a huge impact on Amir, as shown through later on in the book. This leaves Amir with his biggegst achievement that was celebrated with Hassan, and later on in the book, Amir can't stop thinking about Hassan and this great moment. -
Ali and Hassan leave Baba and Amir
Another huge event that impacts the plot would be when Ali and Hassan leave Baba and Amir due to Amir's own doing, Hassan was already, "pleading him not to give me away."(107). This sticks into Amir's mind throughout his life and he feels guilty for all the things he's done to Hassan. Thsi will lead to atonement later on in the book. -
The Soviet troops invade Afghanisan. Afghanistan "has known little peace since 1979". (NYT.com)
The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on December 27, 1979, to assist the president of Afghanistan, Babrak Karmal. -
Afghanistan under attack
During this time, many people in Afghanistan flee, and seeks freedom, and this includes Amir and Baba. They had "left Kabul just after two in the morning."(110). This is an extremely important part of the plot because this takes them to America where they seek refuge from the on-raging war in Afghanistan. This helps move the setting to America. -
Baba and Amir arrive at America around this time. Baba had left Peshwar to bring Amir to America for Amir's own good, not for his, for Baba had said, "Besides, I didn't bring us here for me, did I?"(130). As shown from this quote, Baba went to America not for himself, but for Amir. It was here in America where Amir develops his values and morals. -
Amir's Graduation
Amir had graduated highschool in that summer, and for some reason, he thought that Baba smaller for he had thought that, "Baba's beard was graying, his hair thinning at his temples, and hadn't he been taller in Kabul?"(131). This quote demonstrates that Amir's graduation made him feel more important, and almost as an equal to Baba for once. This shows the major power increase that Amir has for a short period of time. -
Baba gets cancer
Baba is given a death sentence by Satan for Baba has gotten a report back saying that he got cancer, for in the book, it states that, "It turns out that, like Satan, cancer has many names. Baba's was called 'Oat Cell Carcinoma'"(156). As shown from this quote, Baba has gotten cancer, and will have a huge impact on Amir which will have a big impact on the plot. This will make Amir more of a man and take responisiblity for all the things he does. -
It is just how the titile is, Amir gets married to Soyara. This is one of Amir's most happiest moments for after long years, he still, "remember our nika."(170). This is a tremendous event that impacts the plot greatly. The reason being is because Soyara helps Amir get through rocky times, and without her, the book might of ended a bit early than expected. -
Baba's death
After Baba refuses to take the medication for one day, "Baba never woke up."(171). As shown throught this quote, Baba dies and this will have a major impact on Amir and the plot. This will mean that Amir will be living without Baba for the first time, and will have to be independent. -
The Soviet troops in Afghanistan are having trouble fighting against the rebels, and are, "rendered largely yseless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missils supplied by the United States to the rebels." (NYT.com)
The Soviet Air Force were being beaten by newly designed American jets, forcing them to the "edge." -
Novel finished
Amir had finally, "finished my first novel"(182) in the summer of 1988. This is important because this shows the increasing power that Amir is getting. For in society, wealtlh means power. -
The Soviet troops leave Afghanistan behind,but leaves "Afaghanistan descende into visious internecine strife by the summer of 1994." (NYT.com).
The Pakistani officers were beginning to give the Taliban "arms, money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men, as well as millitary advisors to help guide them in battle." (NYT.com)
Afghanistan's power were "anarchially divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms." (NYT.com)
At the end of 1994, the Taliban took over Afghanistan and were terroizing warlords from north to east.
Osama Bin Laden lands on May 1996 in Afghanistan and "The Taliban also provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden."(NYT.com)
With the aid of the Pakistani, "the Taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan." (NYT.com)
Celebration for the Taliban
This played a huge role in the kite runner for people were falsely celebrating for the Taliban; however, Hassan knew, for he had said, "God help the Hazaras now, Rahim Khan sahib"(213). This was a major event that happened both in real life and in the book. For this signifies the death of all Hazaras in Afghanistan. -
Hassan's predicament was right for after two years, "in 1998, thehy massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-i-sharif."(213). This quote is important to the plot because this will later help Amir with his decision to atone for his mistakes. Hassan's death helped boost him to make it through, -
Amir is informed that Rahim is sick.
During June 2001, Amir's face is pale when he is informed that, "'Rahim Khan is very sick' Afist clenched inside me with those words."(191). Amir's father figure gets sick and could potentially mean that destiny has plans for him. This event leads to Amir going to Afghanistan and atonning for his past mistakes. -
Amir finally learns the truth that Hassan is Amir's half brother for Rahim Khan had told him that, "Ali was sertile"(222), and Amir figured the rest by himself. He learned that Baba had been Hassan's real father the whole time. With this information, Amir feels a true reason for why he should go save Hassan's little kid, and that was to save what's left of his brother. -
After the 9/11 invasion in the US, "president George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum mto hand over Mr. bin Laden." (NYT Article)
Assef the Taliban
Amir learns the truth about the tall white taliban, for he was Assef all the long. As it states in the text, "His name escaped my lips: 'Assef'"(281). As shown from this quote, Amir learns that Assef had joined the Taliban, and destiny made sure that they would meet again. This encounter was deja-vu for Amir, and helped him finally be free for he and Assef fought and he felt like a little part of him was released. -
Hamid Karzai "became chairman of an interim government", (NYT article) making him the leader of the country.
Mr. Karzai was elected "To a five-year as president in 2004." (NYT.com)