Ali, Hassan and Amir listen to the first of many gunfires
It was the night that Zahir Shah's cousin overthrew him. Ali, Hassan, and Amir sat together listening to the gunfire that followed a political event. Ali "told [them] not to be afraid, that they were only shooting ducks"(365). This gunfire scared them so much because it was before the war started and gunfire was not common. As the war continues, shelling and gunfire become part of the day. -
Hassan's harelip surgery
Remembering Hassan's surgery for his harelip, Amir realizes that "everyone in that room was either dead or dying"(219). Except for himself. Cancer took Baba, Hassan was shot and Rahim Kahn would be next to pass. Here Amir feels lonely realizing that he is almost a stranger in his own home. Most of what remained of his past in Afghanistan is gone or will be. -
Amir and Hassan win kite flying contest
The annual Kite flying competition was one that Hassan and Amir both loved and always participated in together. When the moment of victory came the two boys "were hopping up and down, both of [them] laughing, both of [them] weeping"(66). As a team, Hassan and Amir accomplished what they had worked toward for many years. For Amir, this marks the time he finally made Baba proud. -
Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
The Soviets "parachuted into Kabul"(NYT) the capital of Afghanistan, said to assist the president. Since then the country has known no mercy. Soon after the Soviets came the Taliban. -
Baba and Amir flee Kabul
Amir remembers this moment as the last time he saw Rahim Kahn when they left and "he had come to say goodbye"(196). Leaving Kabul was not only leaving friends and family, leaving was the start of life in America. For Amir, he would never see Afghanistan in the way in which he grew up. -
Rahim Kahn goes to Hazarajat
Rahim had Kahn had been living alone and decided to go to find Hassan. The biggest reason being that he was lonely as In Kabul "everybody had fled"(203). War was raging in Kabul and all of Afghanistan. Hazarajat would provide a safe place temporarily until his next move. -
Amir finishes first novel
"In the summer of 1988," Amir completes his very first novel "written mostly with a typewriter" (182). Being a writer was what Amir had always dreamed of. Now that he is in America, he can pursue his passions. In this way, living in America has given Amir power that he never had in Afghanistan. -
Soviets leave Afghanistan
After 10 years, Soviet troops "left behind a country that was not only devastated by the war but that had"(NYT) become very vulnerable to the violence of Islamic extremist groups. -
Amir's first novel is published
After the publishing, Amir went on a five-city book tour which made him a "minor celebrity in the Afghan community"(183). Although Baba never expected little Amir to become a selling author, this was one way Amir was able to express himself more in America. -
Sanaubar comes back
When Sanaubar appeared at the gates one morning she was a "toothless women with stringy graying hair and sores on her arms"(209). She was nothing like the beauty she was at Hassan's birth. Her sudden appearance could have only been an overwhelming guilt for leaving Hassan. -
Sohrab is born
When Sanaubar delivered her grandchild, "she stood beaming under a dull gray sky, tears streaming down her face...and clutching that baby in her arms like she never wanted to let go"(211). Sanaubar delivered Hassan's child and cared for Sohrab like her own. Through Sohrab, Sanaubar atoned for leaving Hassan. -
Pakistan aids Mullah Omar
Pakistan aids Mullah Omar by, "funneling arms, money and supplies"(NYT) in response to Omar's promise to restore Afghanistan's Islam. -
Afghan power divided
Following the departure of Soviet troops, "power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms"(NYT). However despite this, one group ultimately gained control. -
Sanaubar dies
Hassan and Rahim Khan burry Sanabaur "in the cemetery on the hill, the one by the pomegranate tree"(211). While the son and mother had little time together, it was enough for Sanaubar to make up the time she was absent. Sohrab was too young to comprehend death, however, he felt that she was not there and became very sad. Over the time Sanaubar was there Sohran became very close to her. -
Taliban seizes control of Afghanistan
The Taliban, an extremist Islamic group, "had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict enforcement of fundamental Islamic law"(NYT). This included forcing women out of schools and many other limiting laws. -
Taliban secure Bin Laden
It seemed as though "The Taliban also provided a haven for Mr. Bin Laden,"(NYT) founder of Al Queada. -
Taliban invasion creates worry for Hazaras
When the Taliban took over, Rahim Khan was hopeful for an end to the fighting. However, Hassan realized the reality of it. With somber eyes, he told Rahim Khan "God help the Hazaras now"(213). The Taliban told the people that they would restore the country, however, they only came to make things worse.Hassan, a Hazara, fears for what will happen to him and his people. -
Taliban ban kite fighting
Just when they all thought the Taliban had come to free them, "the Taliban banned kite fighting. And two weeks later in 1998, they massacred Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif"(213). The ban of the kite flying only made Afghanistan less of what is used to be. -
U.S. attacks the Taliban
After 9/11, the U.S. "has been militarily involved in Afghanistan" (NYT) and allies attacked Taliban in efforts to force them out of the country, following a refusal from the Taliban to hand over Bin Laden. -
Sohrab and Amir arrive in San Francisco
Soraya awaited Amir and Sohrab at the airport. Overcome with happiness "she knelt to eye level. She took [Sohrab's] hand and smiled at him. 'Salaam, Sohrab Jan, I'm your Khala Soraya"(358). The move to San Francisco finally happened and Soraya was ecstatic to have a child. Despite the excitement around Sohrab's arrival, he himself seemed to lacj feeling over the matter. -
Amir goes to Pakistan
Amir gets a call from Rahim Kahn asking him to come visit. Amir speaks of Rahim Kahn as "'the first grown-up I ever thought of as a friend"(191). Because Rahim Kahn means so much to Amir, he is willing to go to Pakistan to see him. -
Taliban attack World Trade Center, NY
Severe measures were taken by the Bush administration, "After the attack on the World Trade Center in New York" (NYT). -
Hamid Karzai becomes leader of Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai, with goals to restore peace to the country "..was named the chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban"(NYT). -
Sohrab smiles for the first time
Amir flys a kite for the first time since 1975 with Sohrab, who has silenced himself upon arriving in America. Amir looks at Sohrab "one corner of his mouth had curled up just so. A smile"(370). Sohrab's smile shows Amir that everything will be solved and that bringing Sohrab to America was the right decision. The reader is left to infer that Sohrab gradually adjusts to his new life and starts talking. -
US Surge troops in Iraq
Under the Bush administration, "the 2007 'surge' in Iraq"(NYT) took place to increase troops to provide more safety to certain provinces.