Hassan was born
Hassan and amir has grown up as brothers "It was there, in that litlle shack, that Hassan was born...just one year after my mother died giving birth to me"(6). While they both grew up in the same house at the same age they sere still not treated equally to the out side world. Amir was treated better than Hassan because he was a Patshun, even though they both lived in the same house. -
hassan gets raped
Amir describes in his memory that when he saw Hassan being raped "Hssan didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper. He moved his head slightly..."(75). When Amir saw Hassan being raped he noticed that he didn't even strigle. Amir -
ali and Hassan leave
In an attempt to get rid of Hassan Amir "...lifted Hassan's matress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afhgani bills under it"(104). Amir hoped that of Hasan go caught for stealing his new gifts that Ali would get fired and Hassan would be gone. The idea of Hassan being gone made Amir feel that he would stop feeling guilty. -
soviets invaded Afghanistan
The end of Afghan peace started when " The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on December 27, 1979". -
Baba and Amir flee Kabul for Pakistan
When Baba and Amir left their home of many years Amir "...thought of the way we'd left the house where i'd lived my entire life, as if we were going out for a bite..."(112). While they were leaving for good they left their hous ethe way it had been while they lived their. Amir felt sad that he had to leave his home the way it had been even though he was leaving to what would be his new home. -
Amir meets Soraya(his future wife)
One night after meeting Soraya Amir "...thought of the way dappled sunlight had danced in Soraya's eyes..."(149). Amir realizes that night that he is falling in love with Soraya. That night is important because Soraya is the first women he had fallen in love with. -
baba dies
Amir states that "Baba never woke up"(173). Baba while dying a slow death decided to stop taking his medication and passed away that night. Amir and everyone else were prepared for his death. -
Soviets leave Aphganistan
Sohrab is born
When Hassan's son was born they "...named him Sohrab, after Hassans favorite hero from the Shahnamah..."(211). Having thier second child be born after the first was stillborn, It was a big moment for Hassan. This was a defining moment ofr Hassan. -
Sanaubar returns
When Sanaubar returns she says to her son, Hassan "I have walked long and far to see if you are as bueatiful in the flesh as you ar ein my dreams"(210). Sanaubar came back after many years to see her son. This showed that she did care for him and that she thought about him even though she left. -
Soraya and Amir can't get pregnant
Amir describes their doctors appointment as "He sat across from us, tapped his desk with his fingers, and used the word "adoption" for the first time"(186). This is an upsetting moment in their relationship, because they can't have children. This cause Amir to feel that maybey it is karma and he hasn't atoned enough for his actions. -
Afghanistan begins to crumble
Even though the soviets had left "...Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife: by the summer of 1994" -
pakistan began funding money and weapons to the Taliban
As the taliban began to gain power "...Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money, and supplies to Mullah Omars men, as well as millitary advisers to help guide them in battle". -
Mullah Omar gained many followers
By the end of the year in 1994 the terrosit group leader "...Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling up yhe warlords to the north and east". -
The taliban takes control
the taliban gained a lot of power and by 1996 "...had taken control of Afghanitan". -
Amir realizes he has found Hassan's son
The man says "He's great with the slingshot"(253). Amir was trying to find Sohrab in one of Kabul's orphanages when a man tells him about a boy who is great with asling shot. H eimediately knows he has found Hassans son. -
Amir finds out he and Hassan are brothers
"...the things he'd stolen had been sacred: from me the right to know I had a brother, from Hassan his identity, and from Ali his honor"(225). -
Amir talks with Rahim Khan on the phone
Rahim tells Amir on th ephone to "Come. There is a way to be good again"(192). Rahim Khan wants Amir to come to Afghanistan to see him because he is ill, but also to save Hassan's son. Rahim tells him that if he saves Hassan's son he will have made up for what happened to Hassan Completely. -
Amir confronts Assef
Amir describes how "The gaurds were huddled over Assef, doing something to his face. Then I understood:the brass ball was still stuck in his empty eye socket"(291). Amir had found Sohrab in the care of Assef. He agreed to give Amir Sohrab if he fought him. Sohrab saves Amir by shooting Assef in the eye with his sling shot. -
Soraya tells Amir to bring Sohrab home
Soraya tells Amir "But I know thins much:you have to bring him home. I want you too"(326). Amir tells Soraya everything about Hassan. Soraya tells Amir to bring Sohrab home to San Francisco. -
Amir and Sohrab return home
Amir says "We arroved home about 7 months ago in August 2001"(357). Soraya picks up Amir and Sohrab up from the airport. She is thrilled to see Sohrab but he just looks away because he does not know how to feel. -
President Bush gives Bin Laden an ultimatum
After the attack made by Bin Laden's attack on September 11th "...President George W. Bush gave the taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. Bin Laden". -
Hamid Karzai becomes the leader
the taliban was replaced when "Hamid Karziai...was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated taliban, making him the leader of the country". -
Amir and Sohrab run a kite
Amir says "For you, a thousand times over..."(371). Sohrab had asked Amir if he could get the kite for him, and he responded with what Hassan said to him. This signifys the closing of the story. -
president Obama removes Gen. McChystal
After putting General McChystal into Afghanistan in 2008 "President Obama removed Gen. McChystal after contemptous quotes from the general and his staff about senior administration officials appeard in Rolling Stone Magazine". -
president Obama vowed to bring the troops home by 2011
President Obama delivered a speech saying "He vowed to start bringing American forces home from Afghanistan in the middle of 2011...".