Kite Runner and History of Afghanistan

  • Independence for Afghanistan!

    The Aghan Independence Day led up to the truce between Britain and Afghanistan. After Britain defeated Afghanistan in the Second Anglo-Afghan War, "Afghanistan became independent" on 19 of August in 1919 (
  • Amir Is Born

    We start off the book with a little description about the characters, and find out that,"It was there in that little shack, that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964, just one year after my mother died giving birth to me" (Hosseini 6).Hassan is one year older than Amir, but when Hassan was born, his mother fled and left Ali and Hassan. Ali's mother hemorrhaged during childbirth, leaving him before she could even see her son's face.
  • Hassan Is Born

    In the mud hut, Hassan was born with a cleft lip and a smile on his face. Near the end of the year, "It was in that small shack that Hassan's mother, Sanaubar, gave birth to him one cold winter day in 1964" (Hosseini 6). Sadly, Sanaubar left him and ran off with singers and dancers and never came back to see Hassan
  • Hassan's Birthday Gift

    Baba, Amir's father, surprises Hassan with an unusual gift but one he will never forget. While the boys stand there confused, the friendly doctor greets them and says, "My job is to fix things on people's bodies. Sometimes their faces" (Hosseini 45). Hassan's cleft lip healed in no time, and by the next winter, he only had a small scar. Amir was not so happy about the gift Baba gave Hassan, who was only their servant.
  • The Kite Flying Competition

    The morning before the Kite Tournament, Amir was feeling doubtful that he should even compete. In the morning, he went out to make himself and his Baba proud, "I kept stealing glances at Baba...wondered what he was thinking. Was he cheering for me? Or did a part of him enjoy watching me fail? That was the thing about kite flying: Your mind drifted with the kite" (Hosseini 63). The admiration from Baba is the only thing that matters to Amir. All he seeks from Baba is compassion and proudness.
  • Hassan's Rape

    The day of the Kite Flying Tourney was upon them when Amir cut down the last blue kite, Hassan ran after it. He didn't return for a while because he was being bullied by Assef, "There is nothing sinful about teaching a lesson to a disrespectful donkey" (Hosseini 75). Amir does not budge when he sees his "friend" in danger. All he does is watch from a distance, Hassan getting raped by Assef. Too cowardly to get up and say anything.​
  • A Treaty with the Soviets

    ​Russia had an interest in Afghanistan for political and economical reasons because of its nation's security. But experts say Russia has found a rather unusual partner in the attempt of fulfilling their own interests, "The Soviet Union always considered the bordering nation of Afghanistan of interest to its national security" (
  • Operation Storm-333

    Soviet and Afghan relations were slowly deteriorating and Russia became closer to Babrak Karmal after the incident with Taraki, an Afghan politician during the Cold War. These relations lead to troublesome times causing more problems, "Soviet Union forces stormed the Tajbeg Palace in Afghanistan and captured Afghan President Hafizullah Amin" (Wikipedia).
  • Baba and Amir Escape!

    After Ali and Hassan left, Baba and Amir leave Kabul when Russia invades. In the truck for a few days, Baba says,"'We're in Pakistan, Amir," Baba said. He was standing over me. Karim says he will call for a bus to take us to Peshawar'" (Hosseini 123). On the way there, they encounter a Russian soldier who only let them pass if he had time with the lady in the back of the truck. Baba stood up for the family and they thanked him. Baba is a real hero who is well-recognized in the Afghan community.
  • San Francisco, California

    After a year travelling illegally, Amir and Baba finally arrive in America. They slowly get to know the customs and regulations all Americans have to follow. While they were getting used to their new home, "Baba loved the idea of America" (Hosseini 125). With new technology and different lifestyle, Baba found a new and comfortable environment for him and Amir to live in. Finally, Amir and Baba felt safe from any threat.​
  • Amir and Soraya Get Married!

    Amir meets a wonderful woman by the name of Soraya. They get married and Amir is the happiest man on Earth, "I remember sitting on the sofa, set on the stage like a throne, Soraya's hand in mine, as three hundred or so faces looked on" (Hosseini 171). With everyone staring at them and awwing at their dress up and wedding, Amir and Soraya will live their best lives together. Amir getting married can bring me peace to Baba as he grows older.
  • Baba Dies

    After the marriage of Amir and Soraya, Baba was dying quickly. He took his medications every day, but one night decided not to,"'There is no pain tonight. "Okay," she said. She pulled up his blanket. We closed the door. Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). The death of Baba was a significant step in Amir's life. Without Baba, Amir could do what he wanted without Baba alway pecking at him and correcting everything he does. With the loss of Baba, it was time for Amir to move on.
  • Amir's First Publication

    After the most encouraging words from Rahim Khan, Amir became a successful novelist. When he published his first novel, him and Soraya celebrated, "I am so proud of you, she said, raising her glass to mine. "Kaka would have been proud too" (Hosseini 183). The book was an instant success and it taught Amir how the kindness of a few people could change a person's life. When he showed the first story he made, the opinions of Hassan and Rahim Khan helped Amir thrive in literature and story-telling.
  • Soviet War with Afghanistan (cont.)

    After almost nine years in Afghanistan, "The last Soviet troops left the country" (Wikipedia). In the brutal nine-year conflict, an estimated one million civilians were killed, as well as 90,000 Mujahideen fighters, 18,000 Afghan troops, and 14,500 Soviet soldiers (
  • The Rise of Mujahidin

    After communism slowly disappears in the eyes of Afghanistan, "Slowly major cities fall to Mujahidin and the Communist regime weakens" ( A new group of rebels seizes over the country, "leveling entire villages to deny safe havens to their enemy" (
  • Sohrab Is Born

    ​When Hassan grew up, he married a lovely lady named Farzana. He and Farzana conceived two children but the first died right away. The second was named "Sohrab, after Hassan's favorite hero from the Shahnamah" (Hosseini 211). Sohrab became closer to his grandmother, Sanaubar when she came back to Hassan after all those years. Their bond grew stronger and stronger every day, but Sanaubar was growing weaker and after a few years, she passed away.
  • Different Direction

    During the chaotic transition between USSR and the Mujahidin rule , Afghan, "Dostom, a communist general of Najibullah sees the fall of the communist government, switches sides and established the city of Mazar I Sharif as his stronghold"(
  • Hassan and Farzana

    Amir was too late when he received the thoughtful letters from Hassan, they were both dead already. Killed by the Taliban they "shot him in the back of the head...Farzana came screaming and attacked them...shot her too. Self-defense, they claimed later-" (Hosseini 219). The Taliban did not believe Hassan when he was telling the truth about living with Rahim Khan. They did not trust him because he was a Hazara, just a servant.
  • Dominion of the Taliban

    By the end of 2000, "the Taliban controlled about 95% of the country, limiting the opposition to a small corner in the northeast Panshir valley" (–present)). After the Civil War, the Taliban took control in 1996, and now are taking over the country fully.
  • Committing Suicide

    When Amir and Sohrab escaped the hands of death, Assef, Amir realized there is nobody in Pakistan to take care of Sohrab. Terrible news for the boy because he had hoped not to go back to an orphanage, the boy felt so lonely and heartbroken, he couldn't bear another moment there. When Amir entered the bathroom, "Suddenly I was on my knees, screaming. Screaming through my clenched teeth" (Hosseini 343). Sohrab could not take is anymore, he didn't want to be alone in an orphanage.
  • Rahim Khan Calls

    After the news of Baba's death, Rahim Khan and Amir only talked for a little bit, but then lost connection. This time, Amir got a call from him and he wanted Amir to come back to Kabul. When he came to the front door "A thing made of skin and bones pretending to be Rahim Khan opened the door" (Hosseini 197). Rahim Khan grew older and weaker, especially in the scarce time Afghanistan was living under, medicine and special treatments were hard to find. He also wanted to talk to Amir.
  • 9/11

    The world's most well-known terrorist attack happened on September 11th in 2001. It is remembered greatly every year. Done by, "terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001" (
  • The Slow Collapse of the Taliban

    After many years of Taliban rule, it slowly comes to the end. Many countries tried to defeat the Taliban, but America prevailed, "the American bombing of Taliban trenches, cars, and troops caused us to be defeated. All ways were blocked, so there was no way to carry food or ammunition to the front. All trenches of the Taliban were destroyed, and many people were killed" (
  • Sohrab Smiles!

    So many years of guilt and worry, Amir and Sohrab finally live happily ever after in the best way possible. Amir repeats the same phrase that Hassan said when they were kite flying that day. Sohrab and Amir were flying their kites and Amir says, "For you, a thousand times over" (Hosseini 371). Amir is slowly building a strong relationship with Sohrab through little steps. After everything he has been through, he is at peace.
  • The Rise of a New President

    Hamid Karzai gave hope to the country when the newly elected president was as calm as the ocean itself. No problems were caused because he was, "A devoted Muslim and Afghan patriot, he believed that only through a Loya Jirga could Afghanistan’s difficulties be overcome, and the differences between the competing parties resolved peacefully" (