Kite Runner

  • 5000 BCE

    Before 5000 BC

    Before 5000 BC
    Anthropologists believed that human habitation occurred before 5000 B.C
  • 3000 BCE

    Urbanize Culture

    Urbanize Culture
    Urbanized culture begins when the Indus Valley Civilization stretched up into Afghanistan
  • 3000 BCE

    Urbanize Culture

    Urbanized culture begins when the Indus Valley Civilization stretched up into Afghanistan.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Religions Established

    Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism become the most popular religions at this time
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1500 BCE

    Bronze Age

    Indo-Iranians arrive along with the Bronze Age of the Indus Valley
  • 500 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Under the rule of the Achaemenid Empire also known as the first Persian Empire ruled by Cyrus the Great.
  • 330 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great and his army arrive in Afghanistan during the Battle of Gaugamela.
  • 63 BCE

    Afghan Territory

    From 63 BC to the beginning of the 1st century, Afghanistan territory fell to the Mauryan Empire.
  • 62 BCE


    From 312 BC-62 BC, Seleucus declared himself the ruler of Seleucid Empire after the death of Alexander the Great
  • 100

    Kushan Empire

    The beginning of the 1st century, the Kushan Empire took over much of Central Asia and spread to northern parts of present day India
  • 300


    In 300 AD, the Mauryan Empire fell after their last known emperor, Vasudeva.
  • Period: 300 to 900

    Kabul Shahi Dynasties

    From the 3rd century to the 9th century, Kabul Shahi Dynasties rule who split up into Buddhism and Hinduism.
  • 400

    Huna People

    In 400 AD, the Huna people migrate to Afghanistan from western China. (Huna People included: Kidarties, Alchon Huns, White Huns, and Nezak Huns)
  • 1219

    Ghaznavid and Ghurid dynasties

    After the Ghaznavid and Ghurid dynasties had ruled the empire had fallen to the Mongols, led by Genghis Khan.
  • Period: 1504 to


    During this time period, Afghanistan was part of the Khorasan
  • Persian Rule

    During the 16th century, Afghanistan reverted back under Persian rule
  • The Three Major Areas

    Afghanistan was divided up into 3 major areas in the 17th century. North was ruled by Khanate of Bukhara, the west was ruled by Shia Safavids and the east was ruled by Sunni Mughals.
  • George XI

    George XI was appointed to crush rebellions started by native afghans by imprisoning and killing them in 1704.
  • Ahmad Shah Durrani

    In 1747, Afghanistan was founded by Ahmad Shah Durrani but Afghanistan was known as the Durrani Empire at the time
  • Mirwaid Hotak

    In the 18th century, Afghan Tribes were united by Mirwais Hotak to create the last Afghan Empire.
  • Period: to

    First Anglo-Afghan War

    During the first Anglo-Afghan War, Persians attempt to retake Afghanistan and throw out the British and resulted in the destruction of a British Army.
  • Period: to

    Rahman to the throne

    Amir Abdur Rahman was appointed to the Afghan throne and during his reign the British and Russians formed the boundaries for modern day Afghanistan.
  • British lose control over Afghan

    British give up their control over Afghan foreign affairs by signing the Treaty of Rawalpindi so now Afghans celebrate August 19 as their Independence Day
  • Period: to

    Drought & Corruption

    A severe drought caused corruption against monarchy and poor economic conditions which ended the age of Monarchy in Afghanistan.
  • Personal Data Protection Act

    Personal Data Protection Act signed an agreement with the Soviet Union which would allow military support to Afghanistan if needed. Scholars believe Afghans were victims of mass murder by the Soviet since they killed almost 2 million Afghans. Russian Soldiers were also engaged in abductions and rape of Afghan Women.
  • Democratic Republic

    Afghanistan was renamed a Democratic Republic Government
  • Beginning of a Civil War

    Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence invades Kabul and creates a Civil War.
  • Taliban takes several provinces

    The Taliban, who run religious schools for Afghan refugees in Pakistan, took power in several provinces in southern and central Afghanistan.
  • United Front

    The United Front was created Ahmad Shah Massoud and Abdul Rashid who joined together against the Taliban
  • Kabul vs Taliban

    On September 27, 1996, Kabul fell to the Taliban
  • Massoud Assassination

    Ahmad Shah Massoud was assassinated by two Arab Suicide Attackers inside Afghanistan.
  • 9/11

    An Islamic Terrorist Group from Afghanistan sent two suicide bombers hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Twin Towers.
  • Taliban in Pakistan

    Taliban began regrouping in Pakistan while Afghanistan began rebuilding places that we affected by war.
  • Peace Efforts

    Peace Efforts began to take place between the Taliban and the United Nations to discuss representatives in Afghanistan
  • Osama bin Laden

    Osama bin Laden, the founder of al-Qaeda, died in Pakistan