Kite Runner

  • Hassan gets a surgery to fix his harelip

    For Hassan's 11th birthday, Baba paid for surgery for Hassan to fix his lip. Amir says, "that was the winter that Hassan stopped smiling"(47). This foreshadows that Hassan will rape in the next chapter when Hassan stops smiling. And also, This shows that how Baba cared Hassan, but he couldn't openly show his fondness and he fixed his lip.
  • Hassan and Ali move out of Amir and Baba's house

    When Amir puts his money under Hassan's bed to make it seem like Hassan stole it, Ali and Hassan decide to move away. Ali tells Baba that "Life here now is impossible for us, Agha sahib. We're leaving." (106). Because Amir let Hassan get harassed and has been hostile towards him, Hassan has been suffering. Ali decides it is best for them to move, and this is the last time Hassan and Amir see each other.
  • The Start of the Afghan-Soviet Union Fighting

    In Late December, Soviet forces "parachuted into Kabul [the Afghani capital] to assist Babrak Kamal"(2) beginning what would now be referred to as the Soviet Invasion. For many years, the Soviets occupied Afghanistan and left the country in ruins.
  • Amir and Baba move to California

    Amir and Baba escape from Afghanistan and "[live] in America" (125). Amir and Baba get a fresh start in America, Baba begins to respect son, Amir and is very proud when Amir graduates high school. They become close, and Baba finally accepts Amir for who he is, by permitting him to become a writer.
  • Amir marries Soraya

    Before Baba dies, Amir and Soraya get married. While they are doing Masshaf, Amir says, "I whispered to her for the first time that I loved her."(171). Amir then wonders if Hassan was married, and he is filled with guilt. This is important because Amir will spend the rest of his life with Soraya.
  • The End of Soviet-Afghan Fighting

    By February 1989, "the last troops left Afghanistan... in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal"(2), with the help of the United Nations. They left the country in rubble and soon, the country became a breeding ground for new groups influenced by the Islamic extremists.
  • Osama bin Laden lands in Jalalabad

    Osama bin Laden "had been given safe haven in their country by the Taliban"(1) and they gave him protection and shelter. He arrived in 1996 to aid Al Qaeda's purpose.
  • A New Leader in Town: Hamid Karzai

    Hamid Karzai, a supporter of the past leader of Afghanistan, Mohammad Zahir Shah "was named chairman of an interim government, that replaced the defeated Taliban"(3). He took office in June 2002 and was elected to serve in office for 5 years.
  • Sohrab Attempts Suicide

    Amir tells Sohrab that he has to go back to the orphanage, Sohrab cut himself. When Amir asked Sohrab why, he answers, "'I want my old life back...I am so khasta.'"(354) This shows that Sohrab was scared to go back to the orphanage. He misses his old life where he had his father and mother and goes to America with Amir because he wished the life in America will be similar to his early life.
  • 9/11 Attack by Al Qaeda

    On September 11st, 2001, Taliban forces teamed with Al Qaeda collided into the twin towers in New York City. President George W Bush "gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr.Bin Laden"(3) and when they refused, the US as well as allies drove the Taliban out of Afghanistan.