Kitchen timeline

  • Riley was born

    Riley was born
    I was born at 3:17am and weighed 8lbs 8oz
  • Started crawling

    Started crawling
    I started crawling at 6 months
  • Started Talking

    Started Talking
    At one year old I started taking and saying words
  • Walking

    Moved to walking instead of crawling
  • Started riding bike

    Started riding bike
    I wanted to ride a bike to my dad bought be an orange bike and taught me how to ride it.
  • Went to florida

    Went to florida
    This was the first time I left the state and first time on a plane.
  • Started preschool

    Started preschool
    I when to preschool 2-3 days a week and convinced my mom to get me subway for lunch at least 2 times a week.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    Osama Bin Laden Killed
    Terrorist attacker Osama Bin Laden was killed after orchestrating attacks on twin towers
  • Donated my hair

    Donated my hair
    My hair was really long so I donated it to locks of love for the first time.
  • Got first dog

    Got first dog
    My aunts dog had puppies so we got a dog and named it mona
  • Got rid of mona

    Got rid of mona
    It was too much work to have 3 young kids and a dog so my mom gave mona away.
  • Started playing soccer

    Started playing soccer
    I wanted to play basketball so my mom signed me up for soccer and I liked it.
  • Travled to Mexico

    Travled to Mexico
    First time leaving the country, and loved being in mexico
  • went to utah

    went to utah
    went skiing in utah for spring break
  • My oldest sister got married

    My oldest sister got married
    My sister Haley got married and I got to be in her wedding.
  • Got second dog

    Got second dog
    We got out current dog Chevy from past owner and it was our neighbour
  • Meet my nephew

    Meet my nephew
    My sister had her first kid named Maverick so I got to meet him.
  • Covid-19

    A virus scared the world and we went on lockdown and missed school
  • First job

    First job
    Started working for my neighbour at his farm.
  • Dyed hair pink

    Dyed hair pink
    I dyed my hair pink and my mom and dad were very mad.
  • Queens death

    Queens death
    Queen Elizabeth died this year and was loved and hated by many.
  • Got first tattoo

    Got first tattoo
    Convinced my parents to let me get a tattoo and we each ended up getting one.