Baba was Born
Baba was born in 1933, "the year Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan," (24). Zahir Shah was the leader of Afghanistan before the Taliban. -
Amir's mother dies
Sofia Akrami dies "just one year," (6) before Hassan was born in 1964. -
Hassan is Born
"It was there, in that little shack, that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964, just one year after my mother had died given birth to me," (6). Amir is one year older than Hassan and Hassan was born in 1964. -
Hassan's lip gets fixed
"The swelling subsides, and the wound healed with time. Son, it was just a pink jagged line running up from his lip" (47). This is when Baba payed for Hassan to get his lip fixed. This foreshadows that Hassan is Baba's son. Baba also gets Hassan a present every year for his birthday. -
Amir has good relationship with his father
When Amir says "It was good and I even believed it would last. And Baba believed it too, I think. We both should has know better," (87) it is obvious how Amir loves his good relationship with his dad but now knows that it was too good to last. -
Taliban near Amir and Hassan
Amir and Hassan hear the gunshots and "the earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire," (35). This frightens them and Baba tells them it is people hunting geese. -
Amir wins the Kite flying
Amir wins the kite flying contest he said " I didn't need to hear the crowd's roar to know. I didn't need to see either. Hassan was screaming and his arm was wrapped around my neck," (66). This was the most important thing for Amir because he wanted Baba's attention. -
Hassan gets raped
Amir watches as Hassan gets raped by Assef, he "stopped watching, turned away from the alley. ,"(77). Amir does nothing to help Hassan and just turns his head away and tries to forget what he was watching. He dose not even come out of hiding tell them to stop. -
Amir's big birthday party
Amir's 13th "birthday bash was a huge success," (94). Many people from all over came to wish Amir a happy birthday and to be there for Baba. At this party Assef also mocks Hassan and teases about him raping Hassan. -
Ali and Hassan leave
When Ali said, " We are leaving, Agha sahib,"(106) Baba begged them to stay but Ali refused. It was all because Hassan was willing to go down for Amir and Amir would not tell the truth. -
Little Peace in Afghanistan
There has been little to no peace "since 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded," (TNYT). -
Soviet Union in Kabul
In the article the author tells that "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27, 1979..." -
US boycotts Olympics
Tension is high with the United States "In 1980, whey (they) were still in Kabul, the US announced it would be boycotting the Olympic Games in Moscow. They were killing afghans and it angered Baba that all they would do is not go to the Olympics. -
Baba and Amir leave
People could not tell others they were leaving, "you couldn't trust anyone in Kabul anymore- for a fee or under threat, people told each other," (112). When Baba and Amir left they could not even tell their servant in fear that he would tell someone. -
Amir graduates high school
Amir "graduated high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day," (131). When he came to the US he finished school to be successful and be the best he could be. -
Baba gets diagnosed with cancer
Baba fell over and has a seizure and when he went to the ER they said "the cancer's metastasized...(and) he'll have to take steroids to reduce the swelling in his brain," (159). Baba's cancer had gotten bad and they knew that he would not live much longer. -
Amir meets Soraya
After Amir saw her he had to "(fight) the urge to look toward the gray van," (141). He was immediately drawn to her and knew he wanted a future with her. -
Soviet Union in In Kabul
The author states that the "Soviet troops stayed in the country for more than nine years," (TNYT) -
Sovietes Leave
The author states that "the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in Febuary 1989," (TNYT) -
Power Divided
The author states "by the summer of 1994, power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms." (TNYT) -
Period: to
Soviet Air Force
The author states that "after 1986, the Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles supplied by the United States to the rebels." (TNYT) -
9/11 Attacks by Al Qaeda
As told in the article the United States led a attack on "extremist Islamic group that had seized control in 1996," (TNYT) -
Forces Withdraw Pushed Back
Although "combat forces (should) begin withdrawing from Afghanistan in summer of 2011," (TNYT) it was pushed back until 2014. -
Population of Afghanistan
Afghanistan's population "is 34 million," (TNYT).