Kira's Life Events

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at 1:40am on November 23rd, 2005. I was my dads first kid, but my moms 3rd.
  • I started walking and talking

    I started walking and talking
    I started walking and talking super early. I could get around by myself!
  • Little brother was born

    Little brother was born
    My little brother was born on my birthday. He ended up being born on Thanksgiving. My parents had two kids under two!
  • I had my first emergency room trip

    I had my first emergency room trip
    I was a very curious kid. I climbed onto the table and poured a hot pot of coffee on me. We had to go to the emergency room immediately.
  • We moved

    We moved
    We moved into the quest house behind my grandparent's house. This was to save money so we could have a better place of our own.
  • I started school

    I started school
    I started going to school at Marshall Elementary. My little brother was the only kid left not in school
  • I needed to go to the hospital

    I needed to go to the hospital
    I was having very bad pain in my leg. After a month or so they finally found an infection in my bone marrow. I had to have surgery and have a huge cast on.
  • First Ipad released

    First Ipad released
    The first ever Ipad was released. It was not nearly as good an iPad now, but it was a stepping stone for not only the one now but alow iPhones.
  • We moved to BC

    We moved to BC
    We moved to byron center. This was to get us into a better school district.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    Osama Bin Laden Killed
    Osama bin Laden was a terrorist that killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children. He was shot and killed at his compound in Abbottabad.
  • Dad found a new job in BC and quit old one

    Dad found a new job in BC and quit old one
    My dad previously worked as a cop he was a sniper on a swat team and did a bunch of other things for them. He then changed to a car salesman.
  • Stopped seeing brother

    Stopped seeing brother
    My half-brother stopped coming over. This was because his dad got custody of him.
  • Parents Separated

    Parents Separated
    My parents separated. This was a hard transition for my younger brother and I.
  • MH370 went missing

    MH370 went missing
    The MH370 airplane went missing. It disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Malaysia to Beijing.
  • Dad's best friend moved in

    Dad's best friend moved in
    My dad's best friend Jeremy moved in. This was so he could save money for a place of his own after his divorce.
  • Met step-mom

    Met step-mom
    I met the woman my dad was dating. We played pool and she brought us slushies and cookies.
  • Dad married and she moved into condo

    Dad married and she moved into condo
    My dad got married. He was a lot happier. She moved in and it was a good change for my brother and I.
  • We moved into a house

    We moved into a house
    We moved out of our condo and into a house. We all had more space. My brother and I had more room to play.
  • I got my drivers permit

    I got my drivers permit
    I got my permit and needed to get my hours. I had to drive everywhere with my parents.
  • We got 2 horses

    We got 2 horses
    I always wanted horses, and my step-mom had them when she was younger. We finally bought two and built our barn.
  • I started driving by myself

    I started driving by myself
    I now have to drive my brother everywhere. My parents don't need to drive us everywhere now.