May 21, 1527
King Philip II of Spain was born at Valladolid in Spain on. He was son of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and Isabella of Portugal
Period: May 21, 1527 to
King Phillip of Spain
Nov 12, 1543
Philip II maried his first cousin, Princess Maria Manuela of Portugal
Jul 25, 1554
He married Mary Tudor, daughter of Queen Katherine of Aragon.
Jan 16, 1556
Philip II was crowned King of Spain after Charles V abdicated to retire to a monastery
Aug 10, 1557
King Philip II went bankrupt for the first time due to money spent on defeating the French at the Battle of St. Quentin
Jun 22, 1559
Married Elisabeth of Valois. This gave Spain temporary security from Spain
Nov 18, 1560
Second bankruptcy
Jan 25, 1569
King Philip II forms an inquistion in South America
Nov 12, 1570
Philip married Anna of Austria, his nephew
Jan 1, 1576
Third bankruptcy
Jul 22, 1581
The seven northern provinces of the Netherlands (Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel, Friesland, and Groningen) renounced their allegiance to Philip II of Spain. This was called the Act of Abjuration
A revolt against Philip's rule. Philip's military campaignes created severe finacial problems in the country.
As France declared war on Spain, King Philip II went bankrupt for the fourth time
Philip II died