King Louis XIV

  • Death of Louis XIII

    Death of Louis XIII
    Louis XIII, Louis XIV's father, dies of crohns's disease which puts Louis XIV in power at the age of 4.
  • King Louis XIV gets married to Maria Teresa.

    King Louis XIV gets married to Maria Teresa.
    King Louis gets married to Maria Teresa of Spain for his first wife.
  • War of Devolution

    War of Devolution
    France and Spain were fighting over Spanish possessions in the Netherlands. Louis XIV wanted to expand his empire and his absolutism.
  • End of War of Devolution

    France ended up acquiring some land, but most of it went to Spain.
  • Dutch War

    Dutch War
    The Dutch War was King Louis XIV's second war. France entered this war because they again, were looking for land in the Netherlands.
  • End of Dutch War

    Louis XIV kept fighting for expansion of his empire.
  • The Palace Of Versailles is built for King Louis XIV.

    The Palace Of Versailles is built for King Louis XIV.
    King Louis XIV shows his absolutism and forces 36,000 workers and 6,000 horses to work on the palace for himself.
  • Maria Theresa, Louis XIV's wife, passes away

    Maria Theresa, Louis XIV's wife, passes away
    This is a picture of Maria Theresa's burial site.
  • King Louis XIV gets married to second wife, Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de Maintenon

    King Louis XIV gets married to second wife, Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de Maintenon
    After the death of Maria Theresa, King Louis got married to his second wife Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de Maintenon.
  • Louis XIV accomplishes his father's goal

    Louis XIV accomplishes his father's goal
    Towrds the end of his life, King Louis XIV has achieved his father's goal which was absolutism. Louis did this by his fierce militarism, strong leadership, and bravery.