Sep 1, 1000
Suceeds Saul as King; rules for approx 40 years
Jun 10, 1008
Saul offers Michal, his daughter;s, hand in marriage to David as a snare
Mar 30, 1015
Saul appoints David as his offical armor-bearer
Saul does this due to David's popularity after he defeated Goliath -
May 18, 1020
David defeats the giant Goliath
found in 1 Samuel 17 -
Aug 3, 1025
David is annointed by Samuel
Dec 19, 1035
King David was born in Bethlehem
David conquers Jeresulem
He rebuilds it and moves there from Hebron (2 Samuel 5) -
Arc of Covenant returned to Jeresulem
2 Samuel 6 -
Solomon is born; David's youngest son
King David dies peacefully
He was around the ages of 70-75