kimberly STAAR 5

  • 1773 BCE

    boston tea party

    the protest the tea act which put a ax on tea . samuel adams led the sons of liberty . they disguised themselves as indians and sumped tea into the boston harbor .
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    limited the power of the king of England , gave rich white men more rights .
  • james town

    first successful english colony in america . Founded for tobacco profit .
  • Period: to

    southern colonies formed .

    profit of tobacco . ( cash crops ) was the reason of settlement . geography was fertile soil and flat land .
    Anglican christian and roman catholic .
  • Virginia house of burgers

    first representative government in America .
  • mayflower compact

    first governing document of plymouth colony
  • mayflower compact

  • Period: to

    new England colonies formed .

  • Fundamental Orders of connecticut

    form of representative government in American colonies .
  • Period: to

    middle colonies formed

    Economic opportunities , religion , and political freedom .
    fertile soils and flat lands .
    quakers was the main religion .
  • Period: to

    middle colonies formed .

  • mercantilism

    economic system between great britian and its violated their freedom to trade with other countries .
  • mercantilism

  • Period: to

    southern colonies formed

  • proclamation act

  • stamp act

  • stamp act congress

  • intolerable acts

    punish colonies for protest .
    banned town meetings
    colonies were angry allowed british soldiers to be quatered in colonies home .
  • battle of lexington and concored

    first battle of the revolution . shot heared around the world . paul revere warned the redcoats ( british ) are coming .
  • constitutional convention

    alexander hamiliton , john adams , bem franklin , george washington , thomas jefferson , james madison was the main author .
  • great compromise

    1 house legislature . each state is going to have equal representation .

    bicameral legislature = 2 houses of legislative Government . representative based on state popultion .
    becameral legislature sente - each state gets 2 members (NJ plan)
    house of representatives - based on state population .
  • 3/5 compromise

    3/5th compromise
    fro every 5 slaves , only 3 count . every slave counts for 3/5 of a person .
  • federalist papers

    alexander hamilton , james madison , in favor of ratification . wrote the federalist papers .
  • anti-federalsits papers

    thomas jefferson , patrick henry .
    tought the constituion didnnt give the states enough rights .
    wrote the anti-federalist papers and they were against ratifying the constitution .
  • Period: to

    George Washington's presidency

    he set up the presidental cabinets .
  • whiskey rebillion

    a protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written .
    president George Washington shut it down with the military .
  • Pinckney's treaty

    a treaty signed with spain to allow the u.s to trade in new orleans
  • Washington's farewell adress

    staying neutral in foreign affairs .
    political parties .
  • Period: to

    john adams presidency

    first president to claim a POLITICAL PARTY .
    he was a leader of the federalist government .
    allowed the central ( federal ) government to imprison you if you were from a foreign country .
  • Period: to

    thomas jefferson presidency

    he was a leader of the democratic - republican party (states rights).
    barbary pirates , this was the first official war the u.s was involved in and was the first time our navy was used .
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson bought the Louisiana purchase in 1803
  • marbury V . madison ( M&M ) .

    sets up the principal of judicial review .
  • Period: to

    james madison presdiency

    u.s enter the war of 1812 during his presdiency .
  • Period: to

    james monroe's presdiency

    the monroe doctrine send an agreement to Europe that they could NOT colonize the americans .