Kids For Cash

By 162230s
  • Investigation

    The Juvenile Law Center asks for the Supreme Court to investigate the large number of juveniles going before the Luzerne County judges without counsel. Their incarceration rate was more than double the state average.
  • Ciavarella Leaves

    Ciavarella Leaves
    Ciavarella removes himself from juvenile court duties and admits he repeatedly failed to inform juveniles of their right to a counsel.
  • The State Supreme Court Denies

    The State Supreme Court Denies
    The state Supreme Court denies the Juvenile Law Center's request for a review of Ciavarella's cases.
  • Judges Plead Guilty

    Judges Plead Guilty
    Federal prosecuters announce the judges Ciavarella and Conahan will plead guilty to accepting $2.8 million from people involved with for-profit juvenile detention centers. The court removes them from their judicial duties.
  • Reconsideration

    The Juvenile Law Center asks the Supreme Court to look at Ciavarella's cases again.
  • Arthur E. Grim Reviews

    Arthur E. Grim Reviews
    The Supreme Court asks for Senior Berks County Judge Arthur E. Grim to review what happened.
  • Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice

    Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice
    In the General Assembly, legislation is introduced to form the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice to investigate.
  • Judge Grim Recommendation

    Judge Grim Recommendation
    Judge Grim recommends that all of Ciavarella's juvenile court sentences from 2003 to 2008 be vacated.
  • Public Hearings

    Public Hearings
    The Interbranch Commission holds the first of eleven public hearings.
  • Judges Withdraw Guilty Pleas

    Judges Withdraw Guilty Pleas
    The judges withdraw their guilty pleas when a federal judge rejects the 87 month prison sentences called in for their plea arguments. Then they indicted by a federal grand jury.
  • Court Adopts Recommendation

    Court Adopts Recommendation
    The court adopts Grim's recommendation to vacate all juvenile court sentences.
  • New Plea Agreement & Trial

    New Plea Agreement & Trial
    Prosecutures annouce Conahan's new plea agreement, while Ciavarella prepares for trial.
  • Report and Recommendations

    Report and Recommendations
    The Interbranch Commission issues a report for legislators and the Supreme Court.