The Taking
A car pulls up and the person asks her for directions and then pulls her in -
secret backyard
He takes her to a room in a shed that she sleeps in -
when they get back
He tells her to take her clothes off the shower and he takes his clothes off and goes in with her -
the First time
The first time she got raped -
New friend
through out time philip brought Jaycee new pets but this time he sent his wife out to meet Jaycee in hopes that they will become friends -
first Pregnancy
Easter 1994 she finds out she pregnant -
Waiting for Baby
My baby girl came into the world at 4:35am on Augest 18 1994 -
Second Baby
I am pregnant again. I was so afraid it would happen again. I don't know how I know but I know. my body has this full feeling. the last time he made me have sex with him he didn't pull out in time -
Birth of second Baby
my second daughter was born November 13, 1997 at 2:15 am -
Philip got arrested
Philip's house got raided and then he was found with some crack and Marijuana. -
Diary entries
Jaycee has been writing in her diary for some time now and she writes about the future, and what she thinks will happen -
Pat Philips mother became very ill. she has parkinsons disease and dementia. -
The day jaycee was discovered. And found alive after 18 years