Kid Rock was born
Was born and raised in michigan, in the town of Romeo just above Detroit
While talking so much about his life in trailer parks and being white trash, kid rock actually was brought up in a relatively nice smart community. But as he puts in some of his songs he didn't have the best parental relationships. His dad being a worksho
His music life started young and rap was his first choice of music
As his career started to become more seen and he became more successful his father started to ease up on him and his wants but not completely. It was said to be because of the money but most believe it was because he saw that Kid Rock was deticated and wa
His first album The Polyfuze Method came out! But was sort of shot down because it was deemed to be too dirty for the radio.
HIs next album Early Mornin' Stone Pimp was also another that was too dirty for radio
Kid Rock's personal life has overshadowed his career at times. He began dating actress Pamela Anderson in 2001.
They became engaged in April of 2002
They split up in 2003, and then got back together and married in july and then after four months after they officially ended it in 2006.
In 2007, after a show Rock was in a fight with a group of people and was charged with battery and was let out later that evening.
Kid Rock after getting out of jail came out with his new album rock n roll jesus. Which had his very well know and loved single "All Summer Long." This was a start to his country career.
"All Summer Long"
Kid rock seemed to be starting to clean up a little from all the rap and heavy guitar, and sway a little towards the counrty music. Where is would start his new album born free!