Oct 20, 770
Jayavarman ll unifies smaller staes to create one large empire.
Period: Oct 20, 770 to
Jayavarman ll unifies smaller staes to create one large empire.
Oct 20, 1177
Cham Kingdom invades much of Khmer Epire's eastern territory
Period: Oct 20, 1177 to Oct 20, 1178
Cham Kingdom invades much of Khmer Epire's eastern territory
Oct 20, 1181
Jayavarman Vll defeats the Chams and expands the empire to furthest extent to incorporate much of present- day laos, Thailand and Burma
Period: Oct 20, 1181 to Oct 20, 1219
Jayavarman Vll defeats the Chams and expands the empire to furthest extent to incorporate much of present- day laos, Thailand and Burma
Oct 22, 1243
rule of jayavarman Vlll. he renouces buddhism and oders that buddhist temples and images be destroyed and hinduism become the main religion
Period: Oct 22, 1243 to Oct 22, 1298
rule of jayavarman Vlll. he renouces buddhism and oders that buddhist temples and images be destroyed and hinduism become the main religion
Oct 22, 1300
buddhism grows in importance and again becomes tha main religion of the khmer king
Oct 22, 1431
thai army attacks angkor
Oct 22, 1432
khmers abondan angkor. over subsequent centuies, the jungle growa and round and over angkor and it's location is forgotten
Oct 22, 1440
khmer rulers relocate the capital to phnom capital
Jayavarman ll enthroned as a devaraja (God king)
Khmer Empire expands and Angkor wat is built. Buddhism becomes important
Period: to Oct 20, 1145
Khmer Empire expands and Angkor wat is built. Buddhism becomes important