Jan 1, 802
The beginning of the Khmer Empire
The start of the Khmer reign
Jayavarman II lead sucsesful military campains. From winning the campains he had more power and land. He was then called the chakravartin (universal ruler). His gain to power is marked as the start of the Khmer Empirer. -
Period: Jan 1, 802 to Dec 31, 1431
The Khmer Empire reign
Dec 1, 802
Since Angkor was founded in 802 it built and expaned till it was at it's max size in 1195, then up until the Angkors smallest size since 802 in 1431 after that it grew to Angkors sie that it is now. Now Angkor is named Cambodia. -
Jan 1, 834
The Empire Expansion
The Khmer Empire expaned and the belif in Buddism grew and became more importaint. -
Jan 1, 968
Jayavarman V is king
King J V
Jayavarman V was a strong and powerful leader. He led the Khmer people for 33 years (968-1001). -
Nov 26, 1120
There were many great temples built by the Khmer people with the greatest being Angkor Wat. There are more then 4000 ancent Khmer temples distcovered so far. These temples were built to honour the Khmer peoples Gods and Kings. The were built with expert craftsman ship and alot of hard working people. -
Jan 1, 1122
Begin of the construction of Angkor Wat
The contruction of Angkor WatWas ordered to be built by king Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his temple and the capital city. The temple was dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu. -
Jan 1, 1171
Angkor was looted
Angkorthe Khmer capital was looted by Chams. Angkor had some of its pericous metals, jems and statues stolen from them by the Chams. -
Jan 1, 1181
Khmer Empries greatest leader
Jayavarman vii
Jayavarman vii was born 1120/25 and died 1220, he was one of the most productive kings of the Khmer empire of Angkor. He reignind from 1181 to 1220, in this time he expanded the empire to its greatest length and engaged in a building program that built numerous temples (including Angkor Thom), highways, rest houses, and hospitals. -
Jan 1, 1431
The decline of the Khmer Empire
The decline of Angkor
The fall of the Khmer Empire could have happened occured due to many reasons and historians may never find out the awsner but they can make good geusses. -The water system failed, the peope of Angkor relided on the water system to bring them there water. If the system failed the farmers couldn't grow there rice (major food source) and have drinking water. -
Jan 2, 1431
Contuation of he decline of the Khmer Empire
-There was no ta system, the citzens didnt ahve to pay taxes to the empire. The empire's army could not be payed and feed for there dutes as there was no tax and all the tradeablr goods were used in building the tempeles.
-Invasion due to over expansion, maybe an atack from a neighbouring that the Khmer empire couldn't respond to due to there mssive over expansion.