Khmer Empire - Zaskowski

  • 500

    Khmer trades with India

    Khmer trades with India
    Evidence of trade between the Khmer and Indian People
  • 550

    Kingdom Establishments

    Kingdom Establishments
    First known kingdom in the Lower Mekong River region, Funan Kingdom, rises and fall
  • Period: 550 to

    Khmer Empire Timeline

  • Jan 1, 770

    Khmer Empire unites as one

    Khmer Empire unites as one
    Jayavarman II unites smaller states to create one large empire. The capital is in the Angkor region of Cambodia
  • Jan 1, 1178

    Khmer Empire gets Invaded

    Khmer Empire gets Invaded
    Cham Kingdom invades much of Khmer Empire’s eastern territory
  • Jan 1, 1219

    Khmer defeat the Cham's and expand kingdom

    Khmer defeat the Cham's and expand kingdom
    Jayavarman VII defeats the Chams and expands the empire to much of present day Laos, Thailand and Burma
  • Jan 1, 1298

    Hindu Religion Rises

    Hindu Religion Rises
    King Jayavarman VII renounces Buddhism and orders that Buddhist Temples and images be destroyed and Hinduism becomes main religion
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Buddhism rises to power

    Buddhism rises to power
    Buddhism grows in importance and again becomes the main religion of the Khmer Kings
  • Jan 1, 1430

    Thai Army takes over the Khmers

    Thai Army takes over the Khmers
    Thai army attacks Angkor, Khmers abandoned Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat becomes forgotten and abandoned. Khmer rules relocate
  • Thai wins over the Khmers

    Thai wins over the Khmers
    Siamese (Thai) king attacks and defeats Khmer King
  • The end of the Khmers

    The end of the Khmers
    Vietnamese armies repeatedly attack Khmer forces in Mekong river delta and defeat the Khmer. The approximate modern borders of cambodia are determined
  • Angkor Wat is Built, Buddhism Expands

    Angkor Wat is Built, Buddhism Expands
    Khmer Empire expands and Angkor Wat is built. The temple was built as a Buddhist Temple. over time Buddhism becomes more popular