Nov 30, 700
Chenla over Funan
After centuries as the dominant kingdom in South-East Asia, Funan is replaced by the fastly growing kingdom of Chenla -
Jan 1, 770
Jayavarman Uniting States
King Jayavarman II unifies smaller states to create one large empire.The capital is in the Ankor region of Cambodia. -
Nov 26, 802
Jayavarman is enthroned
Jayavarman is enthroned over the Khmer empire as a devaraja or god king. -
Nov 30, 1002
Civil War
A civil war arises between king Jayavarman and Suryavarman -
Nov 30, 1010
New King
Suryavarman becomes the new king after beating Jatavarman in the civil war. -
Nov 30, 1117
Chams attack the Khmer
The Cham nation attacks the people of the Khmer empire -
Nov 30, 1132
Failed attack
The Khmer attempted to attack the Vietnamese. They failed as they could not afford to sustain the army. -
Nov 30, 1181
Jayavarman VII becomes king
Jan 1, 1213
Ankor Wat is built
Nov 26, 1243
Hinduism becomes main religion
Nov 26, 1300
Buddhism becomes main religion
Even though Jayavarman tried drastically to keep hinduism as the main religion, he failed. Buddhism became the main religion. -
Nov 26, 1432
Khmers abandon Ankor Wat
The Khmer completely left Ankor Wat. -
Nov 30, 1440
Relocation of the Empire
The rulers relocated their capital to Phnom Penh -
Nov 26, 1573
Siamese King attacks the Khmers
Thais attack
The Thais attack the Khmer, taking all they owned. -
The Expansion
The Devaraja; Jayavarman II expanded the Khmer Empire. At its peak, the empire covered much of what today is Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and southern Vietnam.