Period: Oct 27, 770 to
Jayavarman II unifies smaller states to create 1 large empire. -
Period: Oct 27, 1177 to Oct 27, 1178
Cham invasion
Cham kingdom invades much of Khmer empires eastern territory. -
Period: Oct 27, 1181 to Oct 27, 1219
Jayavarnam victory against Chams
Jayavarnam VII defeats the Chams and expands the Empire. -
Period: Oct 28, 1243 to Oct 28, 1298
Hinduism becomes the main Religion
Rule of jayavarman VIII, He renounces buddhism and orders that buddhism temples and images be destroyed and hinduism becomes the main religion -
Oct 27, 1300
Buddhism returns
Buddhism grows in importance and again becomes the main religion of the Khmer kings. -
Oct 27, 1431
Thai army attacks
Thai army attacks Angkor. -
Oct 27, 1432
Khmers abandon Angkor
Khmers abandon Angkor over subsequent centuries, the jungle grows over and around Angkor and it's location is forgotten. -
Siamese king attacks
Siamese (Thai) king attacks and defeats Khmer king. -
The fall of the Khmer
Viatnamese armies reapeatedly attacks Khmer forces. In the Meekong river, Delta and defeats the Khmer and approximate modern borders of Cambodia. -
Period: to Oct 27, 1145
Angkor Wat
Khmer empire expands and angkor wat is built, Buddhism becomes important.