Evidence of trade between Khmer nad Indian people
Archaeologists found evidence of iron tools. There were no written records of that period of history. -
Nov 27, 770
Jayavarman unifies smaller states
His aim was to create one large and strong empire. The capital was in the Angkor region of Cambodia. -
Nov 20, 802
Jayavarman II enthroned as devaraja
He strengthened the power of Khmer monarchy. He called himself a god living on Earth. -
Nov 27, 1181
Jayavarman VII defeated the Chams
Period: Nov 23, 1243 to Nov 23, 1298
Rule of Jayavarman VIII and Hinduism is main religion.
He destroyed Buddhist temples and images to make Hinduism the main religion. -
Nov 23, 1431
Thai army attacks Angkor
The Thai armies repeatedly attacked the Khmer Empire and pushed their boudaries back. -
Nov 23, 1432
Khmer abandons Angkor.
When Angkor was abandoned, the Thais looted the temples and took many items. -
Nov 23, 1440
Khmer relocates capital to Phnom Penh
Thai king defeats Khmer Empire
The Khmer and Cambodia became a vassal state to the Thais. -
Period: to Nov 20, 1145
Khmer empire expands and Angkor Wat is built