Jan 1, 802
God King
Jayavarman II is enthroned as a God King (devaraja). He also starts the empire. -
Dec 31, 1145
Angkor Wat Is Built
Khmer empire expands and Angkor Wat is built. -
Dec 31, 1178
The Invasion
The Cham Kingdom invades and takes over much of the Khmer empire's eastern territory. This takes place for over a year. -
Dec 31, 1219
Jayavarman VII Defeats The Chams
Jayavarman VII defeats the Chams and expands the empire. Taking over what we now call Laos, Thailand and Burma. -
Jan 1, 1243
The Rule Of Jayavarman VII
Jayavarman VII renounces Buddhism and orders Buddhist temples to be destroyed so that HInduism will be the main religion. This goes on for about half a century. -
Jan 1, 1300
Buddhism makes a come back and becomes the new main religion of the Khmer kings. -
Jan 1, 1432
Abbandon Angkor
The Khmers abbandon Angkor Wat because thejungles were getting too thick and they were proving to be difficult. Angkor is then lost because the jungles grow wild and surround it resulting in the loss of the location of the place. -
Jan 1, 1440
The New Capital
After losing the location of Angkor Wat, the Khmer empire must relocate to Phnom Penh. -
The Defeat
Siamese (Thai) king attacks and defeats Khmer King. -
Borders of Cambodia
Vietnamese armies harass the Khmer empire in the Mekong River and defeat the Khmer. The defeat is what determined the approximate modern borders of Cambodia.