khmer empire

  • Jan 1, 1002

    King Suryavarman and khemr expansion

    King Suryavarman and khemr expansion
    This is the time when King Suryavarman 1st expands the Khmer empire to its greatest extent ranging from Laos, Thailand and southern Vietnam.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1002 to Jan 1, 1049

    King Suryavarman Khmer Expansion

  • Jan 1, 1066

    Khmer Empire gets divided

    Khmer Empire gets divided
    The Khmer Empire was divided because there were several contenders for the throne. There were many wars between the Chams, Ankor and the Birmins.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1066 to Jan 1, 1100

    Khmer Empire is divided

  • Jan 1, 1100

    Angkor Wat Constructio

    Angkor Wat Constructio
    Angkor Wat was the first Hindu, Buddhist temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world. The temple was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman in the early 12th century
  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Jan 1, 1175

    Angkor Wat Construction

  • Jan 1, 1112

    King Suryavarman II

    King Suryavarman II
    Reign of King Suryavarman II, builder of Angkor Wat and Beng Mealea. He extended Khmer influence to Malaya, Burma and Siam (Thailand) and distinguished himself religiously from former kings through his devotion to the Hindu deity Vishnu (to whom Angkor .
  • Period: Jan 1, 1112 to Jan 1, 1152

    King Suryavarman II

  • Oct 21, 1117

    The Chams Rise Up

    The Chams Rise Up
    The Chams of southern Vietnam, long annexed by the Khmer empire, rise up and sack Angkor, burning the wooden city and plundering its wealth
  • Period: Jan 1, 1181 to Jan 1, 1219

    King Jayavarman VII

  • Oct 21, 1181

    King Jayavarman VII

    King Jayavarman VII
    Reign of King Jayavarman VII, who defeated the Chams and builds Angkor Thom, Preah Khan and Ta Prohm. Upon his death, the empire begins to decline.
  • Oct 21, 1432

    End of Khmer empire

    End of Khmer empire
    End of Khmer empire. Angkor abandoned to the jungle. Buddhist monks care for it over the following centuries.
  • the khmer empire begins

    the khmer empire begins
    khmer beginsKing Jayavarman II The empire began when King Jayavarman declared himself as the chakravartin
    Which means king of the world or king of kings
  • The construction of Preah Ko.

    The construction of Preah Ko.
    Preah Ko The Preah Ko was the first temple to be built in the ancient and now defunct city of Hariharalaya. Address: Prasat Bakong, Cambodia.King Indravarman 1
  • King Indravarman 1 . A Ruler from the Khmer Empire

    King Indravarman 1 . A Ruler from the Khmer Empire
    King Indravarman I
    was a ruler of Khmer Empire who reigned from Hariharalaya between 877/78 and 889/890 AD. He was the builder of the first Angkor reservoir, Preah Ko and Bakong
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1432

    Khmer Empire

  • Period: to

    The constuction of the Preah Ko

  • Period: to

    King Indravarm king of the Khmer empire