Nov 22, 770
Jayavarman II unifies all the smaller states to create one large empire.
Nov 24, 1177
The Khmer Empires eastern territory gets invaded by the Cham Kingdom
Nov 24, 1181
Jayavarman VII defeats the Cham kingdom and expands the empire to the furthest extent
Nov 24, 1243
The rule of Jayavarman VII. He takes out the buddhist temples and makes Hinuism the main religion
Nov 24, 1300
Buddhism becomes the main religion for the Khmer kings
Nov 24, 1431
The Thai army attacks Ankor Wat
Nov 24, 1432
The Khmer poeple leave Ankor War
Nov 24, 1440
Phnom Penh becomes the new capital
The Thai king attacks the khmers once again and deafeats the khmer King
Vietnamese armies repeatedly attack Khmer and deafeat them. Then the new borders of modern Cambodia were determined
map and border lines of modern Cambodia -
Jayavarman is crowned king or devaraja meaning god-king
Stone head statue of Jayavarman II -
The khmer empire expands and Ankor Wat is built
Picture of Ankor Wat