Angkor wat

Khmer Empire

  • 500

    Khmer Trading

    Khmer Trading
    The first evidence is found for trading between the Khmers and the Indians.
  • Period: Nov 19, 770 to

    Jayavarman II unifies smaller states

    Jayavarman II creates one large empire where the capital of it is the Angkor region.
  • Jan 1, 1178

    Eastern Khmer Empire Lost.

    Eastern Khmer Empire Lost.
    Cham kingdom invades and takes over much of the Khmers eastern territory.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1181 to Jan 1, 1219

    Jayavarman II Defeats the Chams.

    Jayavarman II defeats the Chams and expands the empire to what is present-day Laos, Thailand and Burma.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1234 to Nov 26, 1298

    Rule Of Jayavarman VII.

    Hinduism becaomes main religion and buddhist temples are destroyed.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Buddhism Grows.

    Buddhism Grows.
    Buddhism becomes main religion of the Khmer kings.
  • Jan 1, 1431

    Thais attack.

    Thais attack.
    The Thai army lay siege on Angkor.
  • Jan 1, 1432

    Khmers Abandon Angkor.

    Khmers Abandon Angkor.
    Over years, Angkor becomes over grown and eventually forgotten.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Khmers relocate.

    Khmers relocate.
    Khmer rulers decide to relocate to the new capital " Phnom Penh"
  • Siamese king attacks.

    Siamese king attacks.
    Thais attack the Khmers and later defeat them.
  • Vietnamese armies attack Khmers.

    Vietnamese armies attack Khmers.
    The vietnamese armies begin to repeatedly attack the Khmer forces and later defeat them and then create the political borders which are used today.
  • Jayavarman II becomes Devaraja.

    Jayavarman II becomes Devaraja.
    Jayavarman II becomes a Devaraja when he enthroned himself.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1145

    Khmer Empire Expands.

    Khmer Empire expands and the Angkor Wat is built, The religion Buddhism also becomes important.