Khmer custom image made fomr matt

Khmer Empire

  • Nov 5, 1080

    Jayavarman VI

    Jayavarman VI
    Jayavarman was not related to any of the decendents but climbed though the ranks by violence. He did dont do much to be considered brilliant only a small temple.
  • Nov 5, 1113

    Reign Of Suryavarman II

    Reign Of Suryavarman II
    Suryavarman II built one of the greatest temples known to man. Ankor Wat lies north of the town Siem Reap. Its highst point is at 65 meters and surrounded by a wall measuring 1.5 km by 1.3 km which is surrounded by moat of 200 meters wide. This was built to house his body so he can go to heaven.
  • Nov 5, 1150

    The Reign Of Dharanindravarman II

    The Reign Of Dharanindravarman II
    Dharanindravarman II was the father of Jayavarman VII, who was one of the most thoughtful and ambitious builders of the Khmer Empire
  • Nov 5, 1181

    Reign of Jayavarman VII

    Reign of Jayavarman VII
    Jayavarman VII changed the religion to Buddhism. At this time war had broken out and they had lost hold of Ankor Wat but then regained it
  • Nov 5, 1219

    Reign Of Indravarman II

    Reign Of Indravarman II
    Indravarman II was the king at this time. Before this the Khmer empire was slowly shrinking and now they had been pushed back into their capital which then gets captured
  • Khmer Empire Founded

    Khmer Empire Founded
    Jayavarman II declared independence from Srivijaya. And naming himself the divine king of Kambuja. He also founded several other capitals
  • Reign Of King Yasovarman I

    Reign Of King Yasovarman I
    Yasovarman establishes the capital of Ankor which then becomes the basis of Khmer government and religion
  • Bakheng Temple

    Bakheng Temple
    King Yasovarman I built the Bakheng temple. It had 108 shrines built around it to create something mysical
  • Jayavarman IV Reign

    Jayavarman IV Reign
    Jayavarman IV was at the throne and he then moved the capital to his town of Koh Ker which was north of Angkor. He constructed Rahal Baray temple in Koh Ker
  • Reign of Rajendravarman II

    Reign of Rajendravarman II
    When Jayavarman IV died his cousin Rajendravarman II took over as king. He made Ankor the capital again but many people rebelled against him. He then split the country into provinces.
  • Period: to Nov 5, 1431

    Khmer Empire