Khaoula's TimeLine

  • I was born on

  • I took my first step on

    I took my first step on
  • The olympic games of athens

    The olympic games of athens
  • My first trip on

    My first trip on
  • The first time I said a word

  • Premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

    Premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
  • Rode my bicycle

    Rode my bicycle
  • Hurricane Ike makes landfall

    Hurricane Ike makes landfall
  • A plane crash in Mexico kills seven people.

    A plane crash in Mexico kills seven people.
  • The first day I went on a cruise

    The first day I went on a cruise
  • Michael Jackson dies

    Michael Jackson dies
  • My brother born on

    My brother born on
  • Grandmother dies

  • The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explodes

    The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explodes
  • Beginning of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

    Beginning of the 2014 Winter Olympics.
  • My sister's daughter was born

    My sister's daughter was born
  • Germanwings Flight 9525 crashes in the French Alps

    Germanwings Flight 9525 crashes in the French Alps
  • The third film of the divergent series is released

    The third film of the divergent series is released
  • The series "stranger things" is released.

    The series "stranger things" is released.
  • My first day in a seccundary