Jesus's birth
(Luke 1:33) Virgin Mary was told by the Holy Spirit will let the baby be born (The son of God). Mary gave birth to baby Jesus from 12 to 14 years old. When mary age birth to baby Jesus he was wrapped in clothes and put in the manger. -
The transfiguration of jesus
The transfiguration story is where Jesus is transfigured and becomes the glory of a mountain. After six days Jesus, Peter, James, and John head up the mountain. The sun shined in Jesus's face as he was transfigured and his shirt turned as white as the light. -
Jesus getting baptised
Jesus went to get baptized by John the baptist while he was baptizing other people in the Jordan River. As soon as Jesus was baptized he came out of the water. Then the voice from heaven (God) said 'This is my own dear son with whom I am pleased'.