By Yanni k
  • Battle of Britain

    Poor conditions
    Extreme structural destruction
    Small attacks turned into large
  • Dunkirk

    Spitfires used
    Based in France
    This resulted in Belgium surrendering.
  • Pearl harbour

    7th December 1941
    Japan attack the naval base in Hawaii, Honolulu
    Extremely equipped Americans but nill preparation.
  • Midway

    America vs japan
    108 well equipped naval ships
    lost 3000 men
  • Stalingrad

    Soviet union had been invaded
    Hitlers 6th army with 800000 casualties
    7 months at war
  • D-Day

    Located in Normandy
    129,710 landed and heavy artillery
    3 Piece plan
  • Battle of Berlin

    The Battle of Berlin resulted in the surrender of the German army and the death of Adolf Hitler (by suicide)
    80000 soviets dead and 100000 German deaths