key terms 2

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy was on the wrong bus anthough he was mixed and refused to get off and took it to court because he had to jail for no reason and he won the case aganist the lousiana law
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    He was a lawyer and won Brown v. Board of Education. Worked for NAACP and first African American in supreme court justice
  • Orville Faubus

    Orville Faubus
    Gov. of Arkansas and he orderd the National Gaurd of Arkansas to keep blacks out of school
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    She refused to give up her seat and started the bus boycotts
  • Hector P. Garcia

  • Nonviolent Protest

    Peacefully resistant, as in response to or protest against injustice, especially on moral or philosophical grounds.
  • Civil Disobedience

    Civil Disobedience
    Rfusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government
  • Lester Madox

    Lester Madox
    Gov. of Gergia and he refused to serve blacks . And during that he ran for to be governor.
  • George Wallace

    George Wallace
    Govoner of Alabama and he ran for president 4 times
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    Labor leader and civil rights activist, who, with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Leader of Civil Rights Movment and was assassinated in 1968 by James Earl Ray in a race riots.
  • Sit-ins

    People coming to one place and protesting
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    When Rosa Parks was sent to jail she started a movment in her place. The boycott against the racial segragtion and was a giant protest.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown wanted intergrated schools he won