
Key Surpreme Court Cases

  • Marbury v Madison

    Marbury v Madison
    This case established thepower of judicial review. The Supreme Court could could void acts of Congress if they were unconstitutional.
  • Warchester v Georgia

    Warchester v Georgia
    This was the court ruling Andrew Jackson defied during his presidency. The ruling nullified Georgia state laws within Cherokee territory. It sought to protect the Cheorkee from being removed fom their land. However, the Cherokees had been forcibly removed from Georgia by 1838.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred Scott sued for his freedom after being taken to a free state by his master. The Supreme Court ruled against Scott. They stated slaves were property and could be taken anywhere. Eben though he was in a free state, he wasn't considered free according to the Constitution.
  • Munn v Illinois

    Munn v Illinois
    Thi scourt decision gave states the power to regulate private property if it affected the public interest.
  • Wabash Case

    Wabash Case
    This case declared it was unconstitutional for states to regulate interstate commerce. It showed the federal government had ability to regulate all aspects of interstate commerce.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    Homer Plessy, who was 1/8th black, refused to give up his seat on a whites only rail car. He sued claiming his civil rights had been violated.The court ruuled a car was provided for African American passangers and the state of Louisiana didnt violate the 14th amendment. The justices used the "seperate but equal" doctrine to justify their decision. This case legalized segregation.
  • Standard Oil v U.S.

    Standard Oil v U.S.
    The United States government was prosecuting Standard Oil under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. They wanted to eliminate monopolies in the country. STandard Oil Co. of New Jersey was found guilty of monopolizing. Rockefeller was ordered to divide his company.
  • Schneck v United States

    Schneck v United States
    Two years before this case, the United States passed the Espionage Act which restricted individual rights that banned news and media sources from mentioning oppisning views towards WWI. The Supreme Court ruled that there are times when the First Amendement protections on speech do not apply.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    This case happend while under the Warren Court, which often ruled in favor of minorities and social/civil rights issues. The decision ruled that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. The ruling overturned the previous court decion on Plessy v Ferguson.
  • Miranda v Arizona

    Miranda v Arizona
    Because of this case, all accused criminals were given a right.n They had to be informed of their 5th and 6th amendment rights before they are questioned.
  • Roe v Wade

    Roe v Wade
    The Supreme Court ruled that women had a right to privacy in determining whether or not to have an abortion
  • Regents of the University of California V. Bakke

    Regents of the University of California V. Bakke
    The Supreme Court ruled an end to the quota system used in college admissions and endorsed that affirmitative action gave equal opportunites for minorities, not special priviliges.