The birth of Wilson
Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born -
Warren G. Harding
Warren G. Harding was born November 2, 1865. -
The birth of Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge was born July 4th, 1872 -
The birth of herbert hoover
Herbert Hooover was born August 10th, 1874 -
The birth of Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt was born in 1882 to an old prominent dutch family from upstate New York. -
Louis Armstrong
Louis armstrong was an American jazz trumpeter, singer, and one of the most influential figures in jazz music. He was known as the first truly popular African American entertainers to "cross over" in America where it was racially segregated. -
James Weldon Johnson
James Weldon johnson was an American author, lawyer, educator, diplomat, and a civil rights activists.He accepted a positon as the treasurer of the Colored Repbublican Club. A year later he was elceted as president of the club. -
Election of 1910
Wilson was the gubernational candidate of New Jersey's Democratic party, and was elected the 34th govenor of New Jersey. -
Wilson runs for president
Wilson ran for president in 1912 and won, becoming the 28th president uf the United States. -
Charles A. Lindbergh
He made the first non- stop flight from New York to Paris. He was given the nick names Luckt Lindy, Slim, and The Lone Eagle. -
Sacco and Vanzetti
Italian anarchists who was convicted of murdering a guard and a paymaster during the armed robbery of Slater and Morill shoe company. -
Harding as president
Harding was the 29th president of the United States. Served as president until hid death. -
Babe Ruth
He was an American professional baseball player. His carerr in Major League Baseball spanned 22 seasons from 1914-1935. His nicknames were "The Bambino" and "The Sultan of Swat." On the first day of the new baseball season he hit the first homerun in the stadium. -
Warding's death
Harding died of a cerebral hemorrage caused by heart disease. -
Coolidge as president
became president after Warren G Harding died. He restored public confidence in the white house after the scandals of Harding were out. -
Duke Ellington
Ellington was an American composer, pianist and bandleader of jazz orchestras. He led his orchestra from 1923 until his death. -
Wilson's death
Died of a stroke and other heart related preoblems at the age of 67. -
Clarence Darrow
He was best known for defending "thrill killers Leopold and Loeb" in their trial for murdering a 14 year old boy names Robert Franks -
F scott Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald was an American Novelist and short story writer.He was known for writing the Great Gatsby. Althought the story didn't become popular until after his death. He was considered a member of the "Lost Generation" -
AL CAPONE st. val massacre
Capone was widely assumed to have been responsible for ordering the 1929 St. Valentine's day massacre, trying to kill Bugs Moran. -
Hoover as president
Hoover was elected as president March 4,1929. He was the most recent president at the time to be elected without any elected-office experience. -
The death of Coolidge
After his presidency in 1929 he retired to a modest rented house before moving into a bigger home. He died from coronary thrombosis. -
Roosevelt becomes president
Roosevelt was our 32nd president. -
George Gershwin
An american composer and pianist, Gershwin moved to Hollywood and composed numerous film scores until his death in 1937 from a brain tumor. -
Georgia O'Keeffe
SHe was a famous artist and by the time she retired from photography she had made more than 350 portraits. -
Death of Teddy
He won a record of four elections and served from March 1933 to his death. Roosevelt had a bad pain in the back of his head and then died. -
Ernest Miller Hemingway
Hemingway was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. He had a strong influence on 20th century fiction. He won the nobel prize in Literature in 1954. -
The death of Herber Hoover
A year before his death he published "Fishing For Fun" and "To wash your soul." He died from massive internal bleeding at the age of 90 in New York City. -
Langston Hughes
Was an American poet. Hughes is best known as a leader of the Harlem Renaissance.