Key International Treaties After WW1

  • Germany signed the Armistice

    This peace treaty ended the war. This is day is now known as Remembrance Day.
  • German and Allied representatives sign the treaty of Versailles

    This is another significant peace treaty.
  • The United States signed the treaty of guaranty

    They pledged to protect France from unprovoked attacks by Germany.
  • Treaty of Saint-German-en-Laye

    The treaty established Austria as a Republic.
  • The United States doesn't give consent for the Treaty of Versailles

  • The Treaty of Versailles is officially in place

  • The United States again doesn't give consent for the Treaty of Versailles

  • The Ottoman Empire signed the treaty of Sèvres

    This ended opposition between the Ottman Empire and the Allied powers.
  • The United States signed seperate treaties with Germany, Hungary and Austria