100 BCE
Angel Gabriel went to Mary
Angel Gabriel told Mary who was a virgin she was having the son of God, called Jesus - Luke 2 -
78 BCE
Jesus Birth
Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem at the age of 12 to 14 years old - Luke 2 -
65 BCE
The 3 Wise Men
After Jesus was born, The 3 wise men visited Jesus, Mary and Joseph giving them presents of gold, incense and myrrh - Mathew 2 -
60 BCE
Jesus was found sitting among the teachers
Jesus was found by his parents, Mary and Joseph. He was sitting among the teachers, amazing them - Luke 2 -
51 BCE
Jesus was baptised
Jesus was baptised by John the baptist in the Jordan river - Mathew 3 -
42 BCE
After Jesus Baptism
After Jesus baptism he traveled to the desert to preach in Nazareth but rejected so went and preach in Capernaum - Mathew 3 -
35 BCE
Jesus Transformed
Jesus transformed becoming a glory upon the mountain - Mathew 17 -
31 BCE
Jesus Last Supper
Jesus had his last supper with his 12 disciplines - Luke 22 -
Jesus Crucifixion
Jesus was crucified by Roman Soldiers - Mark 14,15 -
Jesus Message to Father
Jesus last words after he was crucified was to tell Father to forgive all - Mark 15 -
Mary went to Jesus Tomb
Mary went to Jesus tomb on Easter Sunday finding it empty, an angel appeared telling Mary Jesus had risen from the dead to ask his disciplines in Gallie to baptise and bless everyone - Mark 16 -
Jesus Miracles
Jesus performed many miracles after his death, helping and healing others - John 4,5,6