Key Historical Events

By Shuo
  • Period: 1 BCE to 50

    Key Historical Events in Jesus' life

  • 1 CE

    Archangel appeared to Mary

    Archangel appeared to Mary and explained that she was pregnant with the son of god. This was an immaculate conception and Mary's age was estimated to be between 12-14 years of ago at this occurrence.
  • 1 CE

    Birth of Jesus

    Jesus was born in Bethlehem after he was born three wise men came to visit him and have him three gifts.
  • 14

    Jesus at Twelves Years Old

    When Jesus's family was going to Jerusalem for Passover, Jesus stayed three days after they have left. When his parents realised they found him in the Temple court. Jesus told them that he was in this father's house and taught them about God and Christ.
  • 29

    Baptise of Jesus

    According to the Bible Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordon River.