Electricity and Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin tied a key to a kite string during a thunderstorm, and proved that static electricity and lightning
were the same thing. -
Samuel Morey developed an engine that ran on ethanol and turpentine. -
Using Coal For Energy
The first practical coal-fired electric generating station, developed by Thomas Edison, went into operation in
New York City to supply electricity for household lights. -
Nuclear Power
Albert Einstein wrote the special theory of relativity. He created a new era of physics when he unified mass, energy, magnetism, electricity, and light. One of the most significant events of the
20th century was Einstein’s developing the formula of E=mc2 (that is, energy equals mass times the square of the
speed of light). -
The First Vacuum Cleaner
J. Spangler invented the first electric vacuum cleaner. -
Electricity For Farms
Almost all American farms had electricity -
Period: to
Oil For Transportation
With the growing use of automobiles, oil became our most used energy source . -
Coal As The Main Source of Power
Most coal was used for generating electricity. -
Helping The Environment
The Clean Coal Technology Act passed. -
First Coal Power Plant
The United States sponsored a $1 billion, 10-year demonstration project to create the world’s first coal-based,
zero-emissions electricity and hydrogen power plant.