13mastery superjumbo

Key Events that Shaped K-12 Education

By atollas
  • Pierce v. Society of Sisters

    Pierce v. Society of Sisters
    Pierce v. Society of Sisters halted any movement toward making public school a requirement for all children.This decision ensures that parents today can choose whether or not they want their children to be educated at public schools, allowing the perpetuation of private schools.
  • National School Lunch Act

    National School Lunch Act
    The National School Lunch Act helped students acquire healthy meals, giving them the nutrition they needed to perform their best in school. Low-income students today benefit from meals at a free or reduced cost, and all students have an opportunity to make healthy choices at school.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This case marked the beginning of the effort to desegregate schools and provide truly equal opportunities for all students. The decision shifted the focus of education toward providing students of all backgrounds the opportunity to use the same resources and study together.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    This act created a turning point in how education was viewed. If not for the effort of the government to strengthen academic performance, the majority of public schools today may continue to prioritize providing an education for students not planning on attending college.
  • Engel v. Vitale

    Engel v. Vitale
    This decision confirmed the separation of church and state in public schools, setting a precedent for future cases. School prayers are no longer allowed and no other attempt at requiring the practice of a religion at a public school can be made.