Key events of WW2

By mal0019
  • Period: to


  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland under Hitler’s command. This lead to the start of World War 2.
  • Britain and France delcare war on Germany

    Britain and France delcare war on Germany
    On September 3rd 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany as they are allies with Poland and they promised to defend them. Neville chamberlain, informed his people that they were officially at war with Germany over radio.
  • Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain

    Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain
    Churchill become prime minister of Britain, after chamberlain had lost the support of his party. This all took place in the British government building, behind closed doors. This resulted in Churchill declaring that he was against appeasing the Nazi’s and that he wanted a “Victory at all costs,” meaning that they fight war with all guns blazing.
  • Evacuation of Dunkirk

    Evacuation of Dunkirk
    1. The evacuation of Dunkirk happened on the beaches and harbour of Dunkirk in France. It was conducted by the Allied Forces. It was also known as ‘Operation Dynamo’ as it was evacuating mass numbers of allied soldiers over 9 days. The evacuation saved 338,000 troops from being captured by the Nazi’s.British fishermans had to give up their boats to help the mass amount of soldiers. This event played a major part in the resistance against the Nazi’s.
  • Italy enters war on side of axis powers

    Italy enters the war as part of the Axis powers with Germany and Japan as they shared similar visions for the outcome of the war. Italy entered shortly after germany invaded poland as this act started a European war an Italy wanted to help take down France. The Axis powers were defeated by the Allied forces in 1943 and Italy was the first country to usrrender on September 8th.
  • France signs Armstice with Germany

    France signs Armstice with Germany
    The Armstice was an agreement that ended the fighting in Western Europe that comprimised the first World War. The armstice was signed by a top Nazi Official Wilhelm Keitel, the commander-in-chief and important members of the French third republic like General Charles Huntziger. The signing Happened in Compiègne, France. This was France offially quiting the war and leaving the UK to their own devices
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This was the name that was given to the World war air Campaign launched by the german airforce against the UK. This was a major event in WW2 as Britains miraculous win in the air field saved their vulnerable country from a ground invasion. The battletook place over the skies of the UK.
  • Tripartite Pact Signed

    Tripartite Pact Signed
    The Tripartite Pact, formerly known as the Axis Powers, but also known as the Berlin Pact, was an agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan signed in Berlin by, respectively, Adolf Hitler, Galeazzo Ciano and Saburō Kurusu, to unite all their military forces. It was a pact directed at the United States
  • Operation Sea Lion

    Operation Sea Lion
    Operation sea lion was the name given to Hitlers plan to invade great Britain.He aimed to attack around mid september to october 1940. Germany didn't go through with the plan as they lost the Battle of Britain. Now that france had fallen, Great britain was one of the only major powers still standing so it was crucuial to destroy them but the odds were against Germany so they backed down.
  • Siege of Tobruk

    Siege of Tobruk
    The Siege of Tobruk went from the 10th of April,1941, to the 27th of November, 1941. The sige happened on the border of present day Libya, but during the war it was known as Italian Libya. The siege happened on both land, sea and sky as the Axis forces came at the Allied troops. It was crucuial that the Allied troops defended the border as it made it harder for their enemy to gain supplies.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was the code name given to the german invasion of the soviet union. The operation had many parts/targets but the first action was to bomb the soviet part of poland. The germans attacked both on ground and by air to ensure maximum effect. Hitler then had plans to invade Russia. Operation Barbarossa was the largest and swiftest military operation in human history. It opened up the easter front where 26 million people later died.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbour

    Bombing of Pearl Harbour
    Just before 8:am, Hundreds of japan fighter planes attacked the U.S navel base in Hawaii. The attack lasted almost two hours and destroyed nearly 20 navel vessels and 200 airplanes. Admiral Yamamoto of japan, the mastermind behind the attack, had tried to declare war but the message got to america too late and they had already attacked. President Roosevelt declared war against japan the next day.
  • Britain and U.S declare war on Japan

    Britain and U.S declare war on Japan
    President Franklin. D Roosevelt requests, and receives, a declaration of war against Japan.He gave his declaration speech in the house of represenatives, which was simultaneously being aired to the whole nation Via a Radio broadcast. As Britain was also fighting against japan who was part of the axis forces, they made the wise call to become Allied with the U.S.
  • Japan take Singapore

    Japan take Singapore
    This was one of the greatest defeats in the history of the British army. There was an army of 90,000 Allied men at the Malay Peninsula who were led by Lieutenant General Arthur Percival. There Allied forces were then faced by an army of 65,000 japanese soliders led by General Tomoyuki Yamashita. The attack happened across the Johor Strait. The japanese were brutal. At the Alexandra Military Hospital, Japanese soldiers murdered the patients they found there.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The Battle of Midway was a decsive naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II. It started on June 4th 1942 and finished on June 7th. This win for U.S was crucial as it allowed their allies to move into an offensive position. Because of the increase it decoding technology, the U.S knew what japan was planning, allowing them to strike back. The battle was both air and sea.
  • First Battle of El Alamein

    First Battle of El Alamein
    The Battle of El Alamein went from the first of July to the twenty second of July. It was fought on the Northern Coast of Eygpt, in the Western Desert 60 miles west of Alexandria. It was the Axis Forces against the Panzer Army Africa. The allied forces also joined and helped prevent a second advance into eygpt fron the Axis. This battle had a sequel.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This was one of the longer battles that went on until February 2nd 1943. The Axis forces were trying to invade the Russian city of Stalingard, on the boundary of Eastern Europe. They were fighting against the Soviet Union (part of theAallied Powers) and thaklfully the Soviet Union was victorious. This in hinesight is seen as the turning point of WW2.
  • Second battle of El Alamein

    Second battle of El Alamein
    The Second Battle of El Alamien went from the 23rd of October to the 4th of November. Just like the first half of this battle it took place in El Alamein in Eygpt. The Allied, and the Africa Army were teamed up to go against the Axis Forces. After around 12 days of fighting, the Allied Powers won and they forced the Axis powers to retreat into Tunisia.
  • D-Day Landings

    D-Day Landings
    D-day landings, also known as the Battle of Normandy was seen as the start of the end of the war. The battle took place on the 50 mile,fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. The battle was between the Allied forces, mainly Canada, Britan and America and Nazi germany. This battle is known as an Amphibious military assault as it took place on both land and sea. By late Augst when the battle ended, all of Northern France had been liberated.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge lasted until the 25th of January 1945. It took place in the forested region of Wallonia in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg on the Western Front. The Battle was Hitlers Attempt to divide the Alliec Forces, but it was mainly directed at the Americans. But George s. Patton turned it around and left Germany leaving them with their largest casualty rate of 100,000. America and the Allied forces, came out on top
  • Mussolini Captured and Executed

    Mussolini Captured and Executed
    Mussolini and His mistress attempted to Flee to switzerland when they saw that the Allied forces were going to win the war.They had made it to the border He tried to wear camoflage and enter switzerland as a german soldier but the Partisiand caught him and his mistress, Petacci, were shot and then taken to Milan, near lake Como, and hung for the public to see.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Two days after Mussolini was executed, Adolf Hitler commited suicide. Hitler killed himself in his underground bunker, (near the Reich) in April but he had been retreating here since January. Eva Braun, who he married two days earlier also killed herself that same day with Hitler. Hitler and Eva were cremated in the chancellery gardens but Hitler wasn't offcially declared dead until 1956.
  • German Forces Surrender

    German Forces Surrender
    General Alfred Jodl signs the unconditional surrender of all German forces, East and West, at a small schoolhouse in Reims, Northwestern France. Russian General Ivan Susloparov and French General Francois Sevez were witnesses to the signing.
    The signing took place in the early hours of the morning so the Allied forces were praised and thanked that day.
  • Japanese Surrender - WW2 END

    Japanese Surrender - WW2 END
    A month after the last, of two atomic bombs was dropped, the japanese finnally surrendered and ended WW2. The Japanese signed the offical surrendering document Aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and Gen Yoshijiro Umezu signed the document.