The strong central blocs
As countries were industrializing, they became more and more powerful. Eventually they became so powerful that other countries formed alliances to balance the power. Germany, Austria-Hungry, and Italy together formed a strong central bloc in the middle of Europe. -
Freindly Relationship
After seeing the alliances made between countries, these countries formed an alliances to balance the power with the central bloc. English, France, and Russia formed an alliance3 called the Entente Cordiale. -
Assassination of The Archduke
He was shot by a serbian terrotist that was working for the Black Hand. This assassination set off a chain reaction that set off World war I. After his death Austria-Hungry wanted revenge and Germany informed them that they would support Austria-Hungry's choice. With Germany backing them up, Austria-Hungry started acting more aggressively -
Military 1870-1914
During this time period there was a massive arms race in Europe. Each country was trying to out do the other in its army's size, vehicles, and weapons. Military spending increased by 300 percent during this arms race. -
Trench warfare
In wwI, trenches were used for protection since the old fighting styles became outdated. Trench warfare was not easy and many lost their lives not to the enemy, but to the conditions of the environment in which they fought. The trenches made it very hard for armies to advance and neither side really got anywhere. -
Unrestricted warfare and u-boats
A u-boat is a German submarine and was very effective in warfare. Germany was the first country to use the u-boats and they used them to cut off supplies to their enemies. Those supplies were being deliviered by the U.s. and they started sending supplies on civillian boats since the Germans attacked military boats. The Germans soon caught on to this and started to target the civillian boats which upsetted the U.s. -
The U.s.a. enters the war
The U.s, was neutral and out of the war until they learned of Germany's intentions. They received a message from Britain that Germany asked Mexico and was decoded by Britain. Germany asked Mexico to attack America and in return they would receive land. After America learned about this they declared war on Germany and joinned the allies. This message to Mexico is called the Zimmerman telegram. -
The Bolshevik's Revolution
The Bolshevik believed that one day the working class would over through the ruling class and followed the ideas of Karl Marx. They thought that once the ruling class was over thrown a socialist government could be established. By the end of 1917 the Bolsheviks and their leader Ilyich Ulinov (Lenin) controlled the Russian government. -
The treaty of Versailles a dictated peace
After the U.s. entered the war, the power shifted towards the Entente Cordiale. Germany was punished by this treaty and had to pay 6.6 billion Euros for damages caused by the war. The German's army was also reduced to 100,000 men its navy was handed over to the allies. Germany was forced to accept full responsibility for the war. -
The League of Nations
The League of nations was craeted to bring together powerful countries and end the war. Doing this would hopefully result in peace and the League could enforce its ideas against inhumane weapons with the many great nations standing for the same cause. -
The Rise of Fascism
Mussolini was the leader of Fascism in Italy and eventually worked is way up to controlling the whole country. People supported him because he told Italians how great and misunderstood they were. Which is what people like to hear. The people of Italy also feared communists and looked to Fascism for protection. After a march through Italy with Mussolini leading the way, the government feared Fascists and gave Mussolini power. -
The Great Deppression
The crash of Wall street brought the depression to the U.S. and America blocked trade with countries to save money. Unemployment reached the millions in Britain and without jobs people started to save money. The saving of money hurt companies and many closed down. Most of the governments attempts to get their country out of depression made it worse. -
Spanish Civil war
Hitler and Mussolini offered Franco support in the war and in return Franco would supply them with large quantities of iron ore, copper, and other raw materials. This war also gave germany a chance to test their new bombers. -
German invasion of Austria
Hitler wanted to unite all German speaking nations and had Austria in mind. The treaty of Versailles stated that Germany was to stay away from Austria, but he was planning an invasion anyway. On the 12th, Germany marched into Austria and they approved of him controlling their country. Germany gainned a lot of power in doing this and other countries were too busy to enforce the treaty. -
Invasion of Poland
At 6 am, Germany began bombing raids of Poland and started its invasion of the country. Poland was by far out matched in all aspects of the military. Eventually after asking for help from Britain they received some and Britain declared war on Germany. -
Fall of France
Millions of french troops were defending their country, but were outmatched by Hitler's suprising strategies. Within six weeks France was controled by Germany. -
Evacuation of Dunkirk
Hundreds of thousands of troops were evacuated from Dunkirk in just a couple of months. The troops were needed badly back in Britain to help defend from Germany's advance. Troops were vevacuated by any means available. -
Battle of Britain
The germans concentrated on attacking ships in the english chanal and small coastal towns. Later the germans focused their attacks on the RAF, destroying airfields and bases. When Hitler gave the order they attacked major cities such as London. Eventually Germany became fustrated by the resistance and postponed the invasion. -
Stalin Rising to power
Stalin was one of the most powerful dictators in history and he was supreme ruler of the soviet union for about 25 years. While he was in control, millions died. He promoted himself as Lenin's successor and became a dictator in the late 1920s. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
On december 7th 1941, thousands of Americans died during the attack on Pearl Harbor. The president declared war on Japan the next day. Soon Japan realized that attacking America was a mistake and Hitler declared war on the U.s. America vowed that before Japan, they would first defeat Germany. -
The fight at midway stopped Japan's advances and the fight at Guadalcanal cost both sides a lot of money. The Japanese took a heavier hit to their resources and did not recover like the allies did. -
Battle of Stalingrad
In this battle Germany was trying to hold a Russian city. The sixth army had direct orders from Hitler not to surender and to hold their ground. Hitler lost many tanks, soldiers, and other supplies in this battle. Showing his disregard for human life when he decided not to surrender and lost some 200,000 men. -
After most of Europe had been controlled for 4 years by the Axis powers, the allies launched opperation overload to take Europe back. Over 3 million men were involved and German forces were unable to hold off the allies. If Germany could have stopped the first landings the plan would have failed. -
Bombing of Tokyo
In 1944, America planned to bomb Tokyo. This was meant to destroy Japanese morale and some hundred thousnd people died from this bomb raid. -
VE day
This is the day that Germany surrendered and the allies had won. Many countries celebrated the war's end. -
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
In 1945 2 atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese cities. The first was dropped on Hiroshima and it destrotyed nearly the whole city. The second was dropped on Nagasaki and the 2 bombs killed more than around 120,000 people. Japan surrendered soon after this. -
VJ day
This day marks the end of the war with Japan's surrender. After the 2 atomic bombs, Japan had enough and agreed to surrender to America.