Independence Day
One has to start at the begining, at the foundatation of the nation. The United States was founded on new soil by IMMIGRANT outcasts seeking freedom from oppression and opportunity for a better life from their mother coutry, which bears a striking resemblance to the narrative of vast amounts of current immigrants facing legal ramifications, as well as poor the stigmas about them. -
Naturalization Act of 1795
The first national policy put in place to systematically grant citizenship to foriegners. There were constraints though, one must be a "free white person", thus starting a divide and idea that "different" people are of less value than others. Freed slaves, women, poor whites, people of color etc. were not eligble, one must also live in the US for 5 years. -
Alien and Sedition Act
This act enables the goverment to deport any foriegners that is thought to be dangerous or poses a threat. -
Slave Trade Becomes Illegal
The slave trade becomes illegal making just brought in slaves to become the first illegal aliens. Though this act had no effect on slavery itself. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion act made the restriction that Chinese people could not come to America if they had no family already living there, thus limitng the amount of Chinese people immigrating. -
Ellis Island Opens
Ellis Isalnd opens and is the biggest immigration inspection station until 1954. Millions of Europeans made way to America passing through the island. -
14th Amendment
The 14th amendment gives the right of citizenship to all those who are born on US soil, thus redefining what it means to be an American and an illegal alien. -
Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution lead to harsh economic and soceital times for the Mexican people and thousands migrate North to America for refuge. -
Quota Act
The quota act is enacted thus restricitng the amount of immigrants coming from specific areas and countries allowed to enter and attain citizenship in America. -
Plyler vs Doe
This judicial case establishes that funding for education is not just permitted to citizens but illegal alien children as well. Basically a public education is free for all children. -
Immigration Act of 1990
This act icreased the limit on how many immigrants were allowed into the States while also revision on deportation and naturalization process. -
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
The IIRIRA of 1996 expands INS enforcement operations, eliminates basic rights of due process for immigrants. Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act groups provisions regarding immigrants with those designed to curb terrorism, including a new court to hear cases of alien deportation based on secret evidence submitted in the form of classified information -
Secure Fence Act
This act enables a fence to be put up seperating the US from Mexico. In addition, additional personnel patroling and enforcing unlawful entry in the states. -
SB 1070
A legislation in Arizona that would enact some of the most strict regulation of dealing with immigrants. It called for every illegal alien to carry their papers with them at all times and receiving a citation otherwise. Also wanted police officers to profile those that may be aliens, ignitng many societal issues and discussions. -
The Deffered Action for Childhood Arrivals allow undocumented children to stay in the States and receieve aid. This caused an uprising and was very controversial as many feel as though we owe them nothing and it isnt our obligation to assits illegal aliens.