The first Central Bank established in England
The bank was established over 200 years ago and is still used. William Paterson was the founder of the bank. The bank changed the bank rate which changes the rate of interest that the Bank of England pays on reserve balances. -
The steam engine
In 1712 Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine that would help make travel better and also make machines better. This was very helpful because with the make of the steam engine it helped make this like the steamboat or the train. This reduced travel times by a really big amount. -
Flying Shuttle
In 1733 James K invented the flying shuttle It was just a simple weaving machine. However, it changed the way clothes would be made forever by making it faster to make them and more time efficient. -
Spinning Jenny
In 1764 James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny. With the flying shuttle only being made around 30 years ago. The spinning jenny made the textile industry even better then the flying shuttle did. By being able to spin eight spindles at once. It truly was a great machine. -
Water Frame
In 1769 Richard Arkwright invented the Water Frame. The water frame was a wheel that was powered by water which people used to make cloth. This machine made thousands of cotton threads at once. This made it better for the workers because it made their job easier by spinning the cloth for them. Also, it could make cloth faster which in turn made clothes faster for people. -
Iron refining techniques
In 1785 Henry Cort started using very successful iron refining techniques. With iron being made it helped with things like railroads, buildings, and machines. With more railroads being made trains could go to lots of different places making travel faster and easier. -
Unfair laws
In 1799 the government passed a law that made it illegal in England for workers to demand higher pay and safer work conditions. This is a very bad thing because the workers are stuck at this place, they can't quit their job because they have to support their family. So with giving them low pay and bad working conditions is just taking advantage of people. -
Child labor
In 1832 the Sadler Committee started to investigate child labor in factories. This is a good thing because all of these children were being worked to the bone with little pay, some were even dying in these factories. With these investigations, other factories and companies started to regulate child labor and having safer working conditions for them. -
sanitary conditions
British government sets up the General Board of Health to investigate sanitary conditions, setting up local boards to ensure safe water in cities. For people to have safer water is much needed because in that time people would just get water from a river. Most major cities were built next to a river for water, but when you get your water from a river you don't know what's in it. You could get sick from what someone else did upstream. -
Health and safety
In 1875 a Public Health Act was passed. This act gives the government the responsibility to ensure public health for sewage and hosing. This was a great thing because with nowhere for people to throw away their trash or get rid of their waste it was just on the streets. With all of the waste and garbage people were getting sick all of the time and at one point the life expectancy was 17 in a city.