Key Events in WWII Europe

  • Invasion of Poland

    Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 using a new tactic "blitzkrieg". This method of high-speed attack used tanks supported by fighter planes and dive bombers.
  • Start of WW2

    Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany
  • Britain Declares War on Germany

    In an 11 AM broadcast, Former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had announced a declaration of war towards Germany. Which occured 2 days after the attack on Poland
  • Blitzkrieg Start Date

    Was designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including armored tanks and air support
  • Invasion of Norway/Denmark

    'Operation Weserübung' was the codename that was meant for the Invasion of Norway and Denmark, attacked by Hitler and the Nazi Party in April 1940. Norway was able to keep it up for only 2 months, before the surrender of the Norwegian Army on 9th June 1940
  • Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister

    On May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill replaces Neville Chamberlain as British Prime Minister.
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    Germany attacks The Netherlands

    Also known as the battle of the Netherlands was one of the 3 countries that was apart of Case Yellow, which was a campaign of taking over the lowest countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg)
  • Defeat of France

    In just over six weeks, German armed forces overran Belgium and the Netherlands, drove the British Expeditionary Force from the Continent, captured Paris, and forced the surrender of the French government.
  • Invasion of Britain

    On July 10, 1940, the Luftwaffe attacked Britain, performing reconnaissance missions and targeting coastal defenses, ports and radar stations.
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    Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain, also known as the Air Battle for England, was a military campaign of the Second World War, in which the Royal Air Force and the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy defended the United Kingdom against large-scale attacks by Nazi Germany's air force, the Luftwaffe
  • Vichy France

    Vichy France is the common name of the French State headed by Marshal Philippe Petain during World War II.
  • Operation Sealion

    Operation Sea Lion, also written as Operation Sealion, was Nazi Germany's code name for the plan for an invasion of the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain