Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen invents the first steam engine. It is not very useful yet, but the idea of using steam to make machines go will be important to the Industrial Revolution. It also was a very eco friendly source of power -
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Key events in the Industrial Revolution
In 1844 Samuel Morse invents the telegraph, which allows messages to be sent quickly over a wire. By 1860, telegraph wires stretch from the east coast of the United States west of the Mississippi River. -
Sewing Machine
When people had to make their own clothes at home or pay someone else to sew them by hand, Elias Howe invents the sewing machine. Now clothes can be made in large factories. Which created much emplyment. -
The Bessemer Method
Henry Bessemer invents a process for making steel out of iron. Having a way to make steel more quickly and more cheaply helps the production of building and leads to the growth of cities. -
Alfred Nobel invents dynamite, which is a safer way to blast holes in mountains or the ground than simply lighting black powder. Dynamite especially helped with mining by making holes go deeper so more area to dig up, this also increased the emplyment. Dynamite is important in clearing paths to build things such as roads and railroad tracks. -
development of vaccines for diseases.
A chemist named Louis Pasteur believed that germs caused disease. Using this information, he created vaccines that helped prevent many common diseases, which helped people live longer. -
Telephone Invented
Alexander Graham Bell may not have invented the telephone, but Alexander Graham Bell was the first to get a patent for it. Being able to speak to people over a telephone wire greatly changes the way the world communicates. -
The light bulb
Not the first man to create a light bulb, Thomas Edison created a light bulb that lasted longer than other designs and showed it off by lighting a lamp. Edison's light bulbs allow people to do many things at night, such as work, that used to only happen during the day. -
First Aeroplane
Using an engine that they invented, Orville and Wilbur Wright invent the first plane that is not powered by wind. Orville flies the plane for 12 seconds over a beach in North Carolina. -
First assembly line
Henry Ford creates a type of car called the Model T. It is much cheaper/affordable than other cars because it is made on an assembly line, allowing many more people to buy cars. This also created many more jobs.