Key events in the European Theatre of War

  • End of World War One

    End of World War One
    German commander Erich Ludendorff announced that if Germany was to win the war then the allies
    had to be defeated on the Western Front before the arrival of American troops. However, this
    campaign was unsuccessful and the Germans were pushed back by the allies. They had to forfeit;
    many people from both sides had passed away and the war didn’t seem to be going anywhere.
    The TOVs influenced Hitler’s rise through the
    use of propaganda (used the German humiliation to create the Nazi Party).
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The Big three countries (France, Britain and USA) made a Treaty that Germany must sign for a
    chance of peace.It was signed in the Hall of mirrors by Germany in the Palace of Versailles, 1919. Germany was felt
    humiliated that they had to own up and sign to the conditions. In WWII Hitler and many Germans were made at the Treaty and began to rebel against the conditions.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression was a stage in the world when the stock market crashed leaving many poor
    and jobless.It happened all around the world from 1920-1939, when Wall Street was bombing before crashing
    down.The Depression hit hardest those nations that were most deeply indebted to the United States,
    Germany and Great Britain.This lead to Hitler’s gain of power as he promised jobs (propaganda).
  • Adolf Hitler rises to power in Germany

    Adolf Hitler rises to power in Germany
    Hitler, like every German, was enraged with the treaty, he noticed many Germans need jobs too. His political speech of him giving many jobs and restoring Germany's name gained him power of the
    people.Germany voted for Hitler gaining him power from 1931-1933.
    Hitler was the main source in his success to gain power in Germany.
    With gain of power, Hitler was able to build an army which was used in WWII.
  • The Failure of Appeasement

    The Failure of Appeasement
    The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made an appeasement with HItler to create
    everlasting peace. It began to fail and made Hitler gain more power in the war.In 1938, the appeasement failed and gave Hitler more power in 1939.Involved in the creation for the appeasement was British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who
    thought the treaty was too hard on Germany. Hitler was able to gain more weapons and power to affect the war further.
  • Germany’s Invasion of Poland

    Germany’s Invasion of Poland
    The Invasion of Poland, known in Poland as the September Campaign or Defensive War. Germany as
    the Poland Campaign was a joint invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, the Free City of
    Danzig, and a small Slovak contingent that marked the beginning of World War II.The German invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, The Poland Invasion was the start of WW2 and granted more land for Nazi Germany (territory).
  • The Phoney War

    The Phoney War
    The Phoney War was an eight-month period at the start of World War II, during which there were no
    major military land operations on the Western Front.
    The Phony war was against 1 September 1939 and the declaration of war by the United Kingdom and France against Nazi Germany. It began with the German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 and the declaration of war by theUnited Kingdom and France against Nazi Germany on 3 September 1939.
  • The Battle of France

    The Battle of France
    Also known as the ‘Fall of France’ was the German invasion of France.It commenced on May 10 and occurred in France/ Low Countries. Germany had invaded France and widened their borders, slowly getting more power. In 1944 the allies planned to take back Normandy (North) France in Operation Overlord.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    Was a military campaign in which the Royal Air Force (British) defended the United Kingdom against
    large-scale attacks by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe).
    Started on 10 July 1940 and occurred in Britain. British vs Nazi Germany (Air forces)
  • The Rats of Tobruk

    The Rats of Tobruk
    Between April and August 1941 around 14,000 Australian soldiers were besieged in Tobruk by a
    German–Italian army commanded by General Erwin Rommel.
    When and where it happened? It was vital for the Allies defence of Egypt and the Suez Canal to hold the town with its harbour, as this forced the enemy to bring most of their supplies overland from the port of Tripoli, across 1500
    km of desert, as well as diverting troops from their advance.
  • The Soviet Union Enters WWII

    The Soviet Union Enters WWII
    When WWII started the Soviet Union and Germany had a neutral relationship however after both forces agreed to split Poland from individual attack, Hitler ‘backstabbed’ Stalin and ordered an
    attack on the USSR. The USSR entered the war on June 22, 1941 and the attack happened on the Western border of
    After engaging with the USSR, the German forces had lost a lot of their troops. The Soviet
    Army had pushed their way through Reich Chancellery and Hitler surrendered via suicide.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union borders.
    The intention was to gain land to repopulate the Germans, use the Slavic people as slaves and seizeoil reserves and agricultural resources from the Soviets. After the attacks from Germany the Soviet Union had to ultimately turn to war with the Germans.
    This was a turning point in WW2 because the Soviet Union weakened the German forces and
    ultimately it was this battle that helped defeat the Nazi Party.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    Hitler order to kill all Jews so that there were only blonde haired blued eyed people in the world. Many were put in gas chambers
    Auschwitz concentration camp complex was the largest in the world operated by Nazi Germany.
    During the holocaust many doctors were involved in testing on twins and many other children.
    Ordered for many to be killed and allowed the doctors to
    experiment. The population of Jews dropped down and many medical discoveries were found.
  • D-Day and Allies invade Germany

    D-Day and Allies invade Germany
    The Western Allies decided to invade the North of France (Normandy) that had been invaded by the
    German forces. France was kept captive and the mission (OperationOverlord) was to set France free. It started in May of 1944, and it occurred in Normandy (North of France). The official battle
    Known as D-Day began on June 6, 1944. 56,000 American, British and Canadian soldiers were involved.
  • Hitler commits suicide and Germany Surrenders

    Hitler commits suicide and Germany Surrenders
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide via a gunshot to the head while his lover Eva Braun took cyanide in Hitler’s Führerbunker (hideout during the war). The Russians were on their way and it would’ve only
    taken few days to arrive, so rather than face defeat in the hands of the Russians, Hitler and Braun collectively made the decision to take their own lives. (A principle to the Nazi’s was that death was
    better than dishonour)