Key Events in Paul's Life

  • Period: 5 to 67

    Pauls lifesapn

  • 34

    The Vision

    Paul has a vision on the way to Damascus and converts.
  • 36

    Meets Peter and sees James in Jerusalem

  • 47

    Ministers with Barnabas in Antioch

  • 48

    Returns to Jerusalem for Apostolic meeting

  • 51

    Writes 1 and 2 Thessalonians

    spends 1 and a half years in Corinth and appears before Gallio. Writes 1 and 2 Thessalonians
  • 53

    Arrives in Epesus

    Arrives in Epesus and ministers for 3 years. Writes Corinthians 1 and takes a brief visit to Corinth
  • 57

    arrested while travelling to Jerusalem from Corinth

  • 60

    Voyage to Rome and shipwrecked

    Voyaging to Rome before getting Shipwrecked and spends 3 months on Malta
  • 62

    Released from House Arrest

  • 67
