Lp cover for web1


  • Mirabel is born

    Mirabel is born in Carlton in Australia
  • Mirabel changed her name.

    Mirabels name was Lei An, and she wanted to change it to Mirabel because she felt the name beolnged to her but her mama didnt want her to change her name because she believes that changing your name can change your whole destiny. So she went to the soothsayer and recieved a oracle bone.
  • Mirabel met Rose

    Mirabel saw Rose talking to a boy accross the fence, at school. After Rose gives Mirabel advice to get her book back from a teacher at school.
  • Mama went away

    Mama went to Forest Gates because she was sick.
  • Margos party

    Mirabel goes to her cousing margos 21st birthday and sees a boy that she likes.
  • Mirabel finishes school

    Mirabel finishes school and does not know what to do with her life
  • Mirabel gets a job

    Mirabel has to sit an exam to become a cartography and passes
  • JJ and Captain Shen come to Mirabels house.

    JJ and Captain Shen come to Mirabels house as they are friends with her dad and Mirabel and JJ get to meet
  • Mirabel makes friends with Murry and Jock

    Mirabel makes some friends with two boys from work that sit either side next to her, one of which have a thing for Rose
  • JJ saves Mirabel

    JJ sees Mirabel harrassed my American soldiers and stops it
  • Mirabel and JJ have thier first date.

    A soldier and JJ had come to Mirabels house and her father had told her that she had to take them around Melbourne but the other soldier could not make it.
  • JJ and Mirabel are in a relationship.

    JJ and Mirabel are oficially in a relationship but Mirabel hides it from her parents and has only told Rose and her Aunt
  • Mirabel and JJ go to Tasmania

    Mirabel and JJ go to Tasmania for a holiday and have sex
  • JJ leaves Australia

    JJ has to leave Australia to China and Mirabel finds out her mum knew that Mirabel and JJ were in love
  • Mirabel realises she is pregnant

    Mirabel realises she is pregnant and doesnt tell anyone except for Rose and decides to have an abortion
  • Mirabel gets told her mothers secret

    Mirabel hears her mother outiside chanting and gets told about her mothers secret
  • Mirabel tells her parents she is pregnant

    Mirabel tell her parents about her being pregnant and they are asamed and they ban her from leaving the house
  • Mirabel goes to Adelaide to have the baby

    Mirabel goes to stay with her pen pal Eva and her husband Aubrey to have the baby
  • Mirabel gives birth to a son

    Mirabel has a baby boy and calls him 'Bao Bao' which means little treasure
  • Mirabel makes Chen Su Ting stop blackmailing her mother

    Mirabels family recieves a letter from Chen Su Ting saying he does not want any more money from them.
  • Mirabel leaves for Shanghai

    Mirabel leaves to Shanghai to find JJ, she is going to stay with Roses extended family.
  • Mirabel arrives in Shanghai

    Mirabel meets Roses uncle and stays with him and his family in thier appartment.
  • Mirabel meets JJs brother

    Mirabel meets Jin Yu in a cafe and he lets her know where he is
  • Mirabel finds JJ

    Mirabel travels to the counrtyside to reunite with JJ
  • Mirabel and JJ move to Shanghai

    Mirabel and JJ are married now and they move to an appartment with little Bao Bao
  • Shanghais conditions get worse

    The war is getting worse and Mirabels friends Stefan, Chrissy, Edward and Max leave.
  • Jin Yu dies

    JJs brother Jin Yu is killed. JJ was going to go with his brother that day he got killed.
  • The government official goes to Mirabels house

    The goverment officials go to Mirabels appartment when just she and Bao Bao are home and question her
  • Mirabel, JJ and Bao Bao leave Shanghai

    Mirabel, JJ and Bao Bao escape Shanghai on a boat as the conditions are getting even worse to go to Hong Kong
  • Mirabel visits the soothsayer

    At the end of the book Mirabel visits the soothsayer and he tells her that the event will re occur