Key Events In Jesus' Life

  • 6 BCE

    Event 1 - Jesus is Born

    Event 1 - Jesus is Born
    On a day in Nazareth in 6 B.C, a young virgin girl named Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel. She had been selected by God to birth The Saviour and was told to name him Jesus. When the time came, Mary and her partner Joseph travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey, as Joseph had to attend a census. They found a small cottage and birthed Jesus in a manger.
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    Event 2 - Jesus Found in the Temple

    Event 2 - Jesus Found in the Temple
    Every year, Jesus and his parents Mary and Joseph visited Jerusalem for a festival. One year, after leaving the festival and continuing for a day, Mary and Joseph had noticed Jesus was not with them. They spent three days searching for the 12-year-old Jesus and eventually found him in a temple of God, listening to teachers. The teachers were amazed at how smart Jesus was with his questions. His parents scolded him, but Jesus just told them that he would be no other place than his father's house.
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    Event 3 - Jesus is Baptized by John the Baptist

    Event 3 - Jesus is Baptized by John the Baptist
    Jesus arrived at the River Jordan from Galilee, to be baptised by John the Baptist. Once Jesus was baptised, he rose out of the water, and witnessed the heavens opening, and the Holy Spirit, like a dove, descended on him. God proclaimed from the heavens, "You are my son, my beloved, with who I am well pleased."
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    Event 5 - Jesus' Crucifixion

    Event 5 - Jesus' Crucifixion
    On Good Friday, the eve of Passover, Jesus was crucified. He walked up, carrying his heavy cross and a crown of thorns. He fell three times, and a man from Cyrene named Simon was forced to help him. Jesus put up the cross and was crucified, with two rebels executed with him at each hand. A sign saying "This is Jesus, He is the King of the Jews." was above his head. And from noon until three, Jesus was upon the crucifix. he cried out in one last voice and died.
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    Event 6 - Jesus Ascends to Heaven

    Event 6 - Jesus Ascends to Heaven
    40 days after the resurrection of Jesus, he appeared to the Disciples on a mountain in Galilee. They worshipped him, and he told them "Go to every nation of the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always."
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    Event 4 - The Last Supper

    Event 4 - The Last Supper
    On the day of the Unleavened Bread, Jesus requested that his disciples prepare a Passover meal. His disciples went into the city and received a table, prepared for Jesus and his disciples. When the time came, Jesus arrived and sat at the table. He broke some bread and divided it amongst his disciples, saying "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." After supper, he gave a cup of wine to his disciples, saying "This is my blood, which is poured out for you."